Occupancy Rates — Your Listing vs. Your Market

Wheelhouse Pricing & Data
Wheelhouse Pricing
Published in
1 min readJan 19, 2017

Your Wheelhouse dashboard just got more data-driven!

Ever wonder how your listing is performing compared to your market?

Now you can see your listing’s occupancy rates and how they compare to your market directly on your Wheelhouse dashboard.

So what do the numbers mean?

We calculate a listing’s occupancy rate as the number of booked and blocked days divided by the total number of days in that month.

For average market occupancy, we take a random sample of full-time listings in your market and divide the number of booked and blocked days for those listings by the total number of days in that month.

See more at www.usewheelhouse.com



Wheelhouse Pricing & Data
Wheelhouse Pricing

We build software (Revenue Management, Market Insights, CompSets, and more) to empower growing short-term rental portfolios