When Desperation Meets Opportunity Chapter 20 — A #NaNoWriMo 2015 Story

Chapter 20 — Maggie

How long have I been asleep? The apartment I am in is dark now, as night has fallen. It feels like days since my discussion with Jim. Still so much to talk about, but he doesn’t appear to be around right now. Did he have a task to accomplish? I think I remember him mention it, but didn’t realize he was going tonight.

Sirens sound in the distance. Such a strange sound. I would hear that so infrequently in Stetford. Hopefully that isn’t the police coming for Jim. He has to be successful. Whether we like it or not, we have to work together now. His victory is my victory.

I get up, and out of curiosity, decide to check things out in Jim apartment. What else I am supposed to do while I wait? It is rather small. My apartment is at least twice as big as this. It probably is more expensive than mine, being a big city and everything. His living room area and kitchen basically blend together, as well as an office. At least, I’ll call it that based on the fact there is a small desk and a laptop computer there. Currently, it is open and on, so I cut my tour short (I’m not all that interested to see his bedroom anyway) and decide to scope through his computer.

I open his internet browser and see if I can’t check his email. Sure enough, it is auto-logged in. Not too much to see. Lance’s emails. His most recent one is from a week ago. Terrible. Jim had to create a virus and will be taking down a company. What type of evil act won’t we have committed by the time this is all said and done?

Reading his other emails reveal that he doesn’t have much of a personal life. No girlfriends. No friend meet ups. It is possible those things aren’t in his email, but it looks like most stuff is focused on work related things. I see he is currently doing some type of accounting work. There is just so much I don’t know about him and his life now. Is he doing everything he hoped he would be doing at this point? Was his decision panning out how he hoped?

I leave the computer and head back to the couch. It has been too many days since the last time I spoke to Brayden. It is the middle of the night now, so that isn’t a possibility. I just want to hold him close, cover him with kisses, and sing him to sleep with a lullaby. If not that, hearing his voice would get me by. Knowing that he is okay, being taken care of, and most of all, misses me are what I need. This isn’t possible right now, and the weight of all it brings me to tears again. I don’t remember crying so much in my life.

It could have been minutes or hours that was I crying, but a noise breaks through the sobs. Is it the door? Sirens? No, that is my phone! I pull it out of my purse and answer it. I try and stabilize my voice before talking. It looks like Lance is calling.

“Yeah. It’s Maggie.”

“Good to hear from you. I’m sorry you haven’t had the opportunity to talk to Brayden recently. We should get you in touch tomorrow. Is Jim there now, by any chance?”

“He actually is out doing your dirty work right now. I think, anyway.” The flames of anger inside of me are beginning to flare up again. “Why did you do it? Why did you choose us? You knew that it would come to this, didn’t you?”

“Maggie, of course you both were chosen carefully. What you are both doing is very important work for me. As you’ve seen, you both of have well rewarded, and will continue to be until you are finished. Which brings me to what I wanted to talk to you about. Your fifth task.” That’s right. I just have one more task left.

“Will I get my son back? I’m not doing anything until I get my son back.”

“Oh Ms. Holmen, you worry too much. I want nothing more than to reunite you with your son, to get live your lives. You know what I’m capable of, I can trust you will let this go after you are done. However Jim is a different story. Jim has some skills which make him more of a threat to me. So here is what I need you to know. After Jim completes his fifth task, my need for both of you is over. In order to get your son back, you will need to deliver Jim to me.” Not too long ago, I would have been happy to throw Jim to the wolves for a chance to get my son back. Now, it simply feels wrong. It feels evil. He said he wanted to try harder. He said he wanted to help take care of Brayden.

“You are telling me I have to choose between my baby, and his father? Haven’t you had enough death?” My teeth are gritting. I didn’t think I could get any angrier with Lance, but now I am.

He fires back. “Don’t talk to me about death. Every life is equally as precious. Any deaths that have happened are on you. Because you didn’t follow direction, people died. Because of that, I have your son. Because of that, you need him back. This has angered Jim, and I know he won’t stop until he finds me. And he is smart, he just might succeed.” He pauses for a moment to compose himself. “Maggie, you should be happy. You have complete control over getting your son back. You can take Jim’s money and have yourself a very nice life with your son. Don’t think about doing anything crazy. Your son means nothing to me. Remember that.” On that note, he leaves the call.

This is almost too much. Giving up Jim all but guarantees he’ll die. But not giving up him up means never seeing my son again. The decision is hard, but the answer is clear. My son is the most important thing in my life. He is my world. Any glimmer of a future with Jim was just that, a glimmer. We are different people, and I can’t forget he left me once at my weakest.

As I’m pondering this, the door opens, and the lights turn on. Jim has made it back. He looks devastated, weak, and exhausted. His night hasn’t been easy, and neither has mine. I wish he wouldn’t tell me what happened tonight, even though he probably will. That way, we’d both have secrets to keep. I just want to tell him, but I can’t jeopardize the chance of getting my son back.

It is hard for me to even look at this man who is nothing more now than a bargaining chip for me.



Josh Gauthier
When Desperation Meets Opportunity — A #NaNoWriMo 2015 Story

Husband. Tech Coach. Gamer. Google Education Trainer & Certified Teacher. Troubleshooter. Still trying to figure this whole teaching thing out. Pun lover.