You ARE Content Capable

when&how Communications
when&how Blog
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2014

Metaphorically speaking, marketing your content is like walking into a room full of strangers by yourself. Some have a natural knack for the yack. Others — like me — are immediately confronted by the fear of how they will be perceived. Will they like what I have to say? Will they find me interesting? If they are laughing, are they laughing with me, or at me?

Let’s be honest. At one point or another, we have all found ourselves frozen at the keyboard, contemplating what profound words we will bestow upon our followers…

Did an hour just pass? Looks like time got away from me, I’ll come back to it tomorrow. Convenient roadblock to accomplishing what needs to get done; FEAR. We all fear what is unknown and we can never know how our content will be perceived. The difference between the yackers and the slackers is, the yackers let it hang out with their slang out!

Yackers are not concerned with how their thoughts are perceived. In fact, the more controversial their thoughts, the better. Slackers sitting down to compose a blog full of prose — and I’m talking to myself as much as I’m talking to you — ought to consider the following 5 rules:

  1. Research your topics.
  2. Optimize your headlines using this free resource from the American Marketing Institute:
  3. Inject your personality or, at the very least, a personality.
  4. Keep it between 200–500 words. You’re not an author. You’re not writing a novel.
  5. Get to the point and deliver something that your readers want/need.

