Real Life Fairy-tale

Autumn Rostowsky
When I Grow Up I…
4 min readDec 3, 2019

When we are young its easy to let our imaginations run wild. The world seems so big, and so do our opportunities.

Jordyn grew up in a small suburb of Illinois and always knew one day she would get out and move to a bigger, and much warmer place. She loved her small town but her big personality would do much better in a bigger city.

Growing up, she was an only child and took full advantage of it. Her parents spoiled her with whatever she wanted, and supported her in whatever her endeavors were. Whether it be her spontaneous urges to travel or her love for shopping and all things beauty. Jordyn was her parent’s little princess. Her dad even giving her the nickname, ‘Princess J.’

Jordyn’s favorite thing to do as a child was to play dress up. Her mom would always come home with colorful, big dresses, “high heels” and fake jewelry for her to play with. There was a giant chest at the end of her bed that opened up to all her beautiful outfits. She would put on her outfits and dance around and use her imagination to come up with a scenario. This would keep her entertained for hours. Her friends would come over and they would take turns being the Disney Princesses using Jordyn’s dress up clothes. Because she didn’t have siblings, her parents were always dragged into taking part in the fun too. With this love for dress up and all things fairy-tale, Jordyn thought for sure when she grew up, she’d be a princess.

She had it all plotted out, her life would be just like her favorite Disney movies. She would wear a beautiful gown, be in charge of the land and meet her perfect prince charming. Her little white Chihuahua Milo would be her sidekick and they would rule the world.

As Jordyn got older her love for fairy-tales didn’t change, but her views on reality did. She realized becoming a princess was a little out of reach, but her parents could still treat her as one.

In high school, her family decided they were finally over the Midwest winters. They decided to move to the desert of Arizona. Although it was a tough transition for Jordyn leaving all her friends, she knew she would thrive in a big, fancy city like Scottsdale. Maybe there she would get to live like a princess.

With high school graduation quickly approaching Jordyn knew she had to decide on a college and a career fast, because being a princess was just not realistic. She toured all of the schools in Arizona but only one felt like home, Arizona State. She picked out a school but wasn’t quite sure what major she would choose. With a heart and personality as big as hers she knew she had to do something involving people, talking and clothes. She went to her school adviser and she recommended she start out as a business major.

Jordyn fell in love with her entrepreneur classes. Jordyn had always wanted to be her own boss and with her creative mind she knew she could produce something great. One of her professors recommended she start looking for internships to boost her resume. While searching online for internships, she came across one perfect for her. A local boutique needed someone to intern and help with their marketing. With Jordyn’s love for clothes and shopping this was a great fit.

She spent three years working at the boutique doing their marketing and social media. While she was great at it, she knew she wanted to do more. The owner knew Jordyn’s love for fashion and asked if she would want to start traveling with her doing more of the fashion merchandising. This was so exciting for her. To get to travel and shop for clothes was a dream come true.

Because of her wonderful job helping the owner, and being a long time employee, Jordyn will continue to work for the boutique upon graduation as a buyer. She hopes to continue to grow the company and her love of fashion. Her big dream down to road is to open up her own store where she can be her own boss.

It all started with her love for dress up when she was a little girl and now she gets to help others dress up. Jordyn is so thankful for this opportunity and to get to do a job she truly enjoys. Each day Jordyn gets to interact with new people and help them feel beautiful.

She might not be a princess but she gets to still wear fancy dresses to work and feel very important. No matter what she will always be her parent’s princess. One day she still hopes to meet that prince charming and give her kids dress up clothes just like she wore.

