Day 30: Did I try to convert you?

Brennan Jernigan
When I Was Mormon
Published in
1 min readOct 3, 2017

Did I hand you a Book of Mormon? Or tell you what I just knew to be true, as though that’d seal the deal? Did I invite you to game night, ping pong, an ice cream social, with of course no agenda at all?

Scripture assured me my joy’d be great if I brought even just one soul back to heaven. You could have been that joy! My arcade ticket to trade for a celestial prize!

But you, my friend, meant so much more to me than just that. Had you been receptive, had you simply opened yourself to the Spirit and taken that dive into baptismal waters…

Well, maybe together, you and me singing our heavenly hallelujahs, we could have drowned out once and for all that rattling, that damn persistent rattling I never could manage to stop from echoing through the chambers of my faithful skull.

(This is Day 30 of a 100-day project. For more about When I Was Mormon, read the introductory post. To access older posts, visit the archive.)

