Day 89: Self-righteous

Brennan Jernigan
When I Was Mormon
Published in
1 min readJan 8, 2018

What does that look like?

Like wanting someone else (always incredibly close: family, friend, potential mate) to be something other than what they are.

Like believing another person isn’t doing their best or trying their hardest.

Like telling your mom on the phone (from the airport, plane to leave for Argentina in a matter of hours) that the general church membership (of which she’s a part) just doesn’t get it, isn’t committed enough to sharing the gospel.

Like the opposite of Buddhist acceptance.

Like the opposite of its Christian counterpart, unconditional love.

Like being disappointed at your sister for eating coffee-flavored ice cream.

Like fucked-up non-relationships.

Like you’ve found a way to really end up alone if you don’t watch yourself.

Like something I like to think I used to be but am not anymore.

Like to think that. I do.

(This is Day 89 of a 100-day project. For more about When I Was Mormon, read the introductory post. To access older posts, visit latest stories and scroll down.)

