When In Thailand: How to Spot a Good Thai Restaurant? Tip 2

June Howell
When In Thailand
Published in
1 min readJan 30, 2015

Not all Thai restaurants, even the ones in Thailand, make authentic Thai food. As a popular tourist destination, some restaurants cater to the more moderate palette, meaning less spicy, more sugar, heavier sauce, less depth. If you’re looking for something more adventurous, here are tips on how to spot them. They probably work in the US, too.

Tip 2: If they also make cheeseburgers and fries, they aren’t expecting any Thai people to eat there

Thai food is great. So great, in fact, that most Thai people are more than happy to eat Thai food for most of their meals. Also because Thai food is usually the cheapest of all the cuisines. So if a place serves cheeseburgers and chicken fingers, they are pulling at your “I’m homesick” heart strings, which usually only works if you are not from Thailand. So, if you are looking for authentic Thai food, this is no reason for you to go in there. Also, if you want cheeseburgers, go to Burger King.

When In Thailand shares things I have picked up along the way, growing up in Bangkok, Thailand.

