Why Design Will Never Deserve a Seat at the Table

Tim Barkow
when robot loved kitten
1 min readDec 5, 2016

Design doesn’t get a seat at the table, it doesn’t even earn it. You build your seat at the table yourself.

First thing, there is no table.

Unless there is, and then you’re just gunning to be in more meetings, which is probably not the point of your job.

Second, you can’t argue your way to a seat.

You build your own seat by being an invaluable resource for those you see as already being “at the table”.

How you achieve that depends on you and your organization.

Eventually, “they” will realize that they’re consulting you anyway, and you’ll find yourself one day sitting at that table, simply because everyone realizes it’s smarter to have you in the room when decisions are being made.

Originally published at medium.com on December 5, 2016.

