Bao House, an Introduction…

What the f**k is a Bao House and why are we writing on medium?!

Axel van der Donk
Bao Living Blog


The past couple of months we have been wrestling with the idea of whether or not we should start putting some time into sharing some of the things we have learnt. In a certain way the existence of this blog comes as our confirmation but it will also enlighten those reading this about who we are and what we are up to.

Bao House is a company that is rethinking the way in which homes are built. In short, we have developed a product that will make the construction of homes quicker, more affordable and less complex whilst keeping in mind the environmental hurdles that we face. We can’t really get into any specifics at this point in time. As we have told those that have been following us since the beginning, the reveal is coming…. soon.

The idea behind starting a company around new forms of construction that can enable affordable and sustainable housing came from my co-founder, Benjamin Eysermans while we were at university together in Antwerp back in 2015. Since then the idea has shifted and pivoted in numerous ways over the past 18 months. We can now safely say that we are in a place where we are almost ready to step to the market with a product that we truly believe can have a big impact on the way in which homes are constructed.

We have been working on this project for 18 months now. That’s the longest either one of us has ever worked on any project. It would be a crying shame if we hadn’t learned a damned thing about the sector we are working in. Luckily we have and we would like to pour some of that knowledge into these blog posts.

We have set the bar quite low at the moment as we will likely be posting only 1 article a month. However, as with the other content that we create on Youtube and Facebook, our ambition always calls for more. So, who knows, we may hike it up as we go along.

Thanks for reading, make sure to check back every so often for a new article written by myself or Benjamin.

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