Free Speech in the United States: Are we Really Free?

Sarah Salina Martinez
4 min readFeb 13, 2017

Thanks to the 1st Amendment many Americans feel as if they are completely free and able to share their thoughts and beliefs opening up with others whether that be through social media, discuss with comrades or in protest. Although the first amendment does provide rights in regards to religion, assembly, expression, and the right to petition. However, there are still invisible boundaries that limit their ability to truly express themselves and be completely free.

Free Speech Today

With technology, sharing personal thoughts or beliefs has become much more simple. With the click of a button you can now share your thoughts on any given topic with all of the internet instantly through tweets, status updates and video posts. As we can see the current president loves to share his thoughts and plan for the country on social media, especially twitter. Having the ability to instantly share thoughts, makes many feel like they are completely free. However, it is overlooked that many posts are removed from social media sites because they are not in compliance with the terms of the site.

In the same ways news broadcasting, is censored by either completely failing to cover certain topics or twisting events to show the story in their favor. As free was many would like to believe they are, there are many restrictions to sharing thoughts with others online. As explained by Michael Foucault, parrhesia, a term originating in ancient Greece, can be translated into English as “free speech”, yet there is much more to this term. To be real parrhesia the following five traits must be involved frankness, truth, danger, criticism and duty.

In parrhasia, frankness is key because it allows an individuals to say everything they have in mind and not hide anything. By opening up one’s mind and sharing it gives the listener a full understanding of the thoughts circulating in one’s head. The speaker is to use direct and relatable words in order to express their views. When being direct and leaving out academic rhetoric allows all listeners to comprehend. This takes away the relationship of one being in power while the other is left to be less and without understanding. A parrhasiastes must also speak the truth. The words that comes from the speaker are true because they believe they are true. These words also come from a genuine place of believing.

Although the majority of people are taught to share the truth at all times and honesty is key, it can also lead to danger. When sharing your own truth, others may not agree or even see your truth as harm to their own truth or them. This creates a risk for the speaker because those in power will want to shut down anything that comes against their own beliefs or their control. By speaking out against those in power an individual must be ready to face criticism as well. The words of the speaker and the speaker them self are now exposed to come under fire and be criticized for having views outside of the norm. It takes true courage to speak out against common views and be criticized.

Although the speaker will be criticized for for sharing their views and even put in danger they still speak freely because they have a duty to share the real truth with those around them. Those speaking the truth must be careful to stray away from pejorative parrhesia. This is often seen in a negative light because it is simply chatting among individuals and does not hold real significance.

All of the five characteristics mentioned by Foucault are related and all must be followed in order to be considered true parrhesia. Today many activist take to social media in order to share their views. They are being completely frank when using their own social media sites and using direct and non-academic rhetoric. They speak their own truth and believe what they are posting to be their own truth. by posting their truth they are then in danger to be criticized by anyone on the internet. Social media has both positive and negative effects. One is allowed to share their truth, but then comes under fire by many more people. Activist post to their social media accounts because they feel as if they have a duty to share the truth. Many celebrities have come under fire for not using their platform in order to share the truth and issues that really do matter, but instead use it for their own personal gain.

Although free speech in the United States in censored, though removal of posts, restrictions on certain topics in the workplaces, and absence of issues being reported, I encourage individuals to use parrhesia and speak their truth in their own form. Staying active and being open to criticism is key because this only allows your own truth to be heard.

