Lets Root For Equality and Freedom of Speech

Leslie Tarango
4 min readMar 24, 2017

Words cut more then knifes. Yet Action is better then words

Why can we have equality? Why is it that there has always been something greater than other? If it’s not a race it’s a gender. Sometimes it’s both. Without equality people do not have freedom of speech. You might be wondering why I mention freedom of speech. Speech is a way to communicate a good thing with a bad thing. Usually in order to be confortable there has to be speech, yet the government doesn’t allow us to have freedom of speech. I know that in the first amendment it says we have freedom of speech but if so why is it that people who speak their mind get in trouble.

Why do we have freedom of speech if we are not allowed to talk and state our opinion? Why can’t people speak their mind? In school students are shown to be nice, to criticize in a nice way. I remember my teachers telling me, “If you have nothing nice to say then don’t say anything at all.” We are all force to keep quiet but when people speak out then they get arrested or in trouble. This is called rebellion, when people speak out when there not supposed to.

Imagine how the world would be if we lived in a word where we have Parrhesia. (PARRHESIA is someone who says everything he has in mind: he does not hide anything, but opens his heart and mind completely to other people through his discourse.) Where people speak their mind without getting in trouble. In a world where everyone has equal freedom to get there thoughts heard without having money to promote words and without being able judged on. If the word ends up coming to this then there would be no riots, no protest, and not as much suicides as before. Now when people use Parrhesia, they usually put their lives in danger. Why is that? Well because people don’t consider others equal especially with this president. He points out how minorities are not equal to his race. He states that the wall in necessary because minority people are the ones that cause the most problem and the most trouble. Yet people who go against him cannot say anything because people don’t have freedom of speech. In a protest there has to be permission from the court in order to have a protest.

Around the world people want to speak out. In the United States the government is more lenient then in other countries. Some people find ways in order to be heard. To the sound of pots, pans and the drums of Rhythms of Resistance, people chanted their support for the Argentinian sisters, and their condemnation of IMF/World Bank policies which have brought starvation and exploitation all over the world. In Argentina, these women use this form to speak out. This was a way to bring awareness of the situation. In this event people died for bring awareness and speaking out. Even with just making noise this was a big problem for them. Obviously the government didn’t agree with what was going on and sent the military troops out there to supervise and put order to the protest. This wasn’t the first time that Argentina had a situation like . In Argentina in 1979–1983 there was a war were the Argentinian military had taken the children from the families without any notice or permission. After the war was over the mothers didn’t get there children back. After months of waiting for the return of their children, the mothers decided to go and seek for the truth. When the women went to talk to the government they had no response, but as time went by the women every morning would walk to the front of the government office in order to seek the truth. They would walk in silence. That was there form of protest. At first it was five women, a moth later in grew to a crowed of two hundred women. The government saw this as a rebellion against them and so they sent military forces out in order to contain the women and sent them home. The women didn’t give up and after months of protest the government gave up. This was their protest, every day the mothers would walk in silence. Even with silence the mothers still managed to speak what they want. This was there form of freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech isn’t shown anywhere. Not even in the country that promotes freedom of speech. Minorities and women are fighting back. Some with pots others with marches but somehow they are fighting back. We should all do the same. We should all speak for what we want. We should all get our voice out there. We shouldn’t have to keep listening to one single person. It’s true what they say two heads are better than one. It’s now time to be rebellious; it’s now time to fight for our rights.

