Trump Threatens Parrhesia & Democracy

Graciela Trujillo
6 min readFeb 13, 2017
Donald Trump speaking to supporters at a rally in November. CreditDamon Winter/The New York Times

Does the newly elected government have the power to destroy the democracy in this country and take away our right to speak freely?

The election and inauguration of the newly elected president, Donald Trump, has many people skeptical and afraid of what the new government will bring. The question that most people may be asking themselves is: Is our democracy and Parrhesia or freedom of speech in danger under the newly elected government?

Parrhesia (Free Speech)

Parrhesia first appeared in Greek literature and it means “free speech.” According to Michel Foucault, a French philosopher, those who practice parrhesia, not only speak freely, but also speak boldly and are obliged to tell the truth for the common good. “Parrhesiastes,” as Foucault calls them, are those who say what they have on their mind even when they know that they can be at risk, especially if parrhesiastes chose to question those in power. Freedom of speech is one of the many fundamental values that have been incorporated and protected in the United States by the Constitution under the First Amendment. However, the use of parrhesia or freedom of speech is being threaten by our newly elected president.

“Free speech suppression occurs in the tight and fragile space during and after the election period.”

Trump Against the Use of Parrhesia: Media

Since he was a candidate, Donald Trump has threatened the continuation of parrhesia. During the 2016 presidential elections, Donald Trump promised to “open libel laws” to make it easier to sue the media and “win lots of money.” He believes that those who speak out against him or make negative comments about the way he plans to run the country should be severely punished for it. It seems as if the new president approves parrhesia only when it is use to promote his personal ideals.

“Free speech has never been a more valuable right, especially on the internet, where governments, companies, and individuals all try to control their image and what people say about them.”

The newly elected president constantly uses his power to silence those who criticize him and most of the time those who dare to take the risk of criticizing are those part of mass media. Trump has “repeatedly criticized and threatened the media in the United States” and accuses it of being “dishonest” and refers to reporters as “scum” and “horrible people.” Trump constantly wants to use his power to routinely threaten to jail journalist for doing their job and duty to question and speak freely about what they think that the public should know about our new government officials. Despite taking the oath on January 20, 2017 to protect the fundamental right of the people, Trump acts as if he doesn`t care about people’s right to speak freely, unless, the speaker promotes his image of the president that would “make America great again.”

“Trump is an embodiment of the antithesis of free speech: if he does not agree with what you say, he may challenge your right to say it.”

Trump Hides Behind SLAPP

Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP) is a lawsuit that is intended to censor, intimidate and attempt to silence critics by imposing legal chargers until they decide to abandon their criticism. The newly elected president has of history of filing SLAPP suits. Trump files SLAPP suits against those who exercise their First Amendment rights and question his actions. His filed SLAPP had little success; however, the idea that the now president can file a SLAPP against you for talking ill of him can be intimidating and cause a person to recant their negative and “malicious” comments. He hides behind these lawsuits and bullies the media outlets into terminating any of their work that may criticizes him in any way. Even though none of his filed SLAPP suits have not been successful, Trump threat to file a SLAPP against anyone who may criticize him now the he did president can intimidate anyone who tries to speak freely against the way he wants to run the country.

(Image: Lauren Walker / Truthout; Adapted: Locololastock)

“Trump’s real assault on free speech isn’t his rhetoric at rallies but his frequent attempts to use authority to silence critics.”


Trump demonstrates his “authoritarian impulse with a call for the criminalization of dissent.” through Twitter. He announced that those who burn the American flag should be punished by “perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!” What the president fails to acknowledge is the fact that the act of burning the flag is a form parrhesia and is protect under the First Amendment of the Constitution. The same Constitution and the same fundamental rights that he, as our president, should be protecting. Also, the president fails to see that even if it was possible to criminalized someone for burning the American ‘flag, the government can’t go as far as to “revoking you citizenship,” for this punishment would be consider of the violation of the Eight Amendment which protect us from “cruel and unusual punishment.” The burning of the flag is a form of freedom of speech may protestors use to show their dissatisfaction and disagreement to the way the government is running the country. Taking away or weakening that right prohibits our ability as citizens to practice parrhesia and say what is on our mind in regards to the way government functions.

Our Democracy is in Danger

By not looking out for our parrhesia and our other fundamental rights under the Constitution, Donald Trump is threatening the continuation of democracy. As the Chief Executive, he is responsible for implementing laws and to making sure that our fundamental rights are protected, but he is doing the opposite because he wants to limit our use of freedom of speech. In a democracy, we as citizens, have the right to assembly freely to express what we think or believe, and protest government actions. However, the newly elected president wants to limit the amount parrhesia and create a controlled government in which no one questions his actions as the Chief Executive.

“Democracy will not come…. Today, this year nor ever through comprise and fear.”

Despite this effort to take control of our freedom of speech, “we the people” won’t let him use his power to oppress us and take our inborn right to speak up against a public figure like him. People across the country have gone out to the streets to protest, what we believe, the government is wrongly doing. The newly elected president is threatening to use his newly obtain power to limit our right to speak freely. Trump wants to create fear and prevent the mass media and activist from criticizing him; therefore, he wants to take action by trying to limit what we can write, say, and penalize us for burning the American flag as a form of freedom of speech.

“If we do not believe in freedom of speech for those we despise we do not believe in it all.”



Graciela Trujillo

Undergraduate Psychology student at UCR. "Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."~MalcolmX