You and I are the SHE

Ferielyn Chavez
4 min readMar 26, 2017

“It is unthinkable to me as a revolutionary feminist that some women’s liberationist would entertain the notion that women should be drafted in exchange for passage of the ERA. This is a clear example of not understanding imperialism and not basing one’s political line on its destruction. If the passage of the ERA means that I am going to become an equal participant in the exploitation of the world; that I am going to bear arms against other Third World people who are fighting to reclaim what is rightfully theirs — then I say Fuck the ERA.” — Pat Parker

The world gives little credit to women as a member of the society. It establishes the thought that women inculcated in themselves that they did not exist, and they do not exist in a society predominantly ruled by men. Women face this so called perpetual oppression of being unheard and unprotected. They are the victims of the corrupt system in the society.

The issue women face are very similar with the issue the working class are struggling. While they are the ones doing all the dirty works and are performing as the arms and the legs of those in the upper positions, they do not receive incentives and benefits that are actually due to them. Not surprisingly, the working poor tend to be clustered in low-paying jobs that offer few opportunities. They are the ones being less considered in the process of pursuing stability and economic progress.

Just like women, they face oppression, rejection and are being hampered to enjoy the freedom of choice and speech. They are curtailed the full enjoyment of life wherein men full claim. With the prevailing presence of racism and classism, women are only but no class member of this culture and civilization.

The emergence of the strong force in the fight against oppression and imperialism has given the understanding to women to fight what is rightfully theirs. Indeed, it gives hope to women to stand and defend their grounds. Those who were exploited have come to their senses the value of self. Women realize the need to exert their talents and skills to gain the privilege to be heard and be appreciated. They are being aware that they need to support those who fight for national liberation, a sense of equal treatment and share especially done by the oppressed working class.

There are even groups of women who are strongly and actively committed in establishing revolution for they believe that the revolution itself is revolution for themselves. They diversified theirs claim of wiping out oppression.

The revolution of women does not creating plans to kill men nor activities to pull down the economic progress of the society. This revolution means the strong will and act by women in asserting themselves as equal members of the place they belong. This a revolution of building a society that is classless, a society that has no traces of sexism, a society that does not advocate racism and the last, a society that defines freedom and equality for all people. They tasked themselves in rebuilding and revitalizing society, the quest of their dream of conquering equality.

Women do not like anymore to be under the control of men. They do not like men to take control of their body, of their being. It should not be men to decide when a woman to bear a child, how to bear a child and where to bear a child. Moreover, men could no longer take pleasure in the bodies of women just as they like. Women are not just sex objects and possession. They are people with dignity and worth.

This so called revolution is not an easy task. There is a big sacrifice and struggles along the way of committing the dream. This revolution will not materialized if only few are willing to take part and participate whole heartedly. This is by far a good and a brave fight generated by women. All have to embrace and welcome this in order to get a positive outcome. This is a good venue to air our desires and aspirations especially so in the matter of how women are being considered.

Whatever task there is, if no commitment is given, then no result for has to be expected. A very good start to begin a fight is to take a stand then to take actions to defend the assertions made.

In reality, life does not offer equality. We need to work for it. We need to assert for it. The irony is only few are given the privilege to enjoy life the way it should be enjoyed. Yet, it should not be a reason not to claim what is ours. Women as we are, we have the outmost reason to be treated well and be considered the significant part of the society we are in.



Ferielyn Chavez

University of California, Riverside major in Economics/Administrative Studies