Adilene Torres
Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2016


Looks over Abilities!

As a complete feminist, I have to understand that it’s going to take a lot for our society to change women’s oppression. But we can start with one of the biggest women oppression of this century, which is valuing looks over talent.

Society has told us women that the way we look is far more important than what we have to offer, such as our talents or brains. Putting all this “pretty” people so high up in a petal stone, such as Kim Kardashian. Who in the world would have thought that looks can get you that far? Certainly not me which is why I choose education.

A lot people find Kim Kardashian empowering because of all the naked selfies saying that she empowers women to believe that they are fine even if they aren’t thin, yet another oppression. But in reality she is one of the biggest reason why women are still in oppression; we do it to one another. Women have to understand that Kim Kardashian’s nudes aren’t empowering it is called marketing. Promoting our bodies and showing us what “pretty” looks like is oppression. Her nude selfies propagate the feeling of not good enough

We are sill placing looks over abilities!

When French tennis player Marion Bardoli won the Wimbledon title, her father and former coach apparently believed that Bardoli’s sucess comed from the fact that she is not a supermodel! He believed that she could have not done anything else because of physical features.

