zaira luna
Published in
2 min readMay 1, 2016



Why does the phrase “like a girl” get used as an insult? Why does it necessarily mean girls do things differently or wrong? Always started a campaign called #LikeAGirl where their goal is to change the meaning of “like a girl” from an insult to the compliment, it really is. They got a couple of adolescent girls and young girls. Where they were asked a series of questions and asked to perform some actions to explain what it meant to do things “like a girl”. The older girls were asked to run like a girl, to fight like a girl, and to throw like a girl. They all performed the stereotypes of what it meant to do those things as a girl. They performed what our social media, would display, a girl would do those certain activities. While the younger girls were asked to do the same, but rather than doing the stereotypes, they ran like they usually would, threw punches and kicks like they would usually fight, and threw like they would usually throw. Then they were asked a couple of question to see what it meant to them to do things like a girl. One of the women, from the campaign asked a girl, “When I ask you to run like a girl, what does it mean?” and the little girl responded “it means to run as fast as you can”. They also asked another girl if she thought doing something like a girl was a good thing. She didn’t know what to respond and said “I actually don’t know if it’s a bad thing or a good thing, it sounds like a bad thing, sounds like you’re trying to humiliate someone” ( Why does doing something like a girl have to be a bad thing?

Why should we girls be embarrassed of being girls and doing things like girls. If anything we should be proud. Because by the end of the day we’re girls, and we should embrace that. We can run as fast as we want or a slow as we want. We can fight however we want too. Also throw as far, as we please. So why should doing something like a girl be bad. When in reality we can be as strong as we believe we are. The phrase “like a girl” shouldn’t be an insult but a compliment, because we get things done. We can have the will power to do anything we aim for.

The phrase “like a girl” shouldn’t bring someone’s self- esteem down but it should do completely the opposite and should be used as a compliment. Girls can do amazing things.

So when did, doing something “like a girl” become an insult? When women all over the world are amazing in their own way. Girls can be unstoppable when they don’t listen to people who try to bring them down.

So go out there and run, fight, and throw like a girl!

