I’m not Asian

zaira luna
2 min readJun 2, 2016


No I’m not Asian

No I don’t speak Chinese, or Japanese, or Korean

Yes, I speak fluent Spanish.

yo soy una latina, y orgullosa

I understood what you said about me, It wasn’t very nice.

I know I look Asian,

But I’m a Latina, and proud.

No my parent don’t look Asian.

Why should I be judge based on my appearance?

Not because I have small almond shaped eyes,

Mean I’m Asian.

yo soy una latina, y orgullosa

Not because I dye my hair and dress a certain way

does that make me Asian.

Not because I’m light skinned I’m Asian

Or because I look like an “anime doll” I’m Asian.

I’m a Latina and proud.

Why should you place a standard over me because, I look a certain race.

why should i feel weird because i’m a Latina and speak Spanish while looking


Yo si soy una latina, y soy muy orgullosa de ser lo.

I have always been confused for being Asian, ever since i was a little girl. It never really bother me. But just the fact that people did not know that i knew how to speak Spanish. So they were quick to judge me and they would talk behind by back. I could hear what they would say about me they would usually talk in Spanish around me so that i “could not” understand what they were saying. But one time I decided to tell them something in Spanish and they looked at me with shock and with embarrassment and would ask “Omg! you speak Spanish?” and I would look at them confuse and say “Yes, i speak Spanish i’m Hispanic” and they would look surprised. We’re usually too quick to judge others based on their appearance and don’t notice that we can be hurting that persons feelings. We should think before we act. Something i usually like to say is “If you don’t have nothing nice to say don’t say it at all”. You could be sparing that persons feelings.

