What does it mean to feel Feminine?

Adilene Torres
Published in
3 min readMay 12, 2016

What does it mean to feel Feminine?

We women are the most beautiful individuals on the planet! Why not show the world our beauty!

Femininity means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Traditional femininity has gender roles emphasis on “girly” features and the dependences on men. To me, feeling feminine is more about your attitude, confidence, and personal style. That challenges the norms of conforming to someone else’s idea about your life.

Sojourner Truth speech “Ain’t I a woman” challenges gender roles. Her feminity comes from challenging the norm of gender roles. Sojourner Truth began her speech by saying that she had the same physical capability as men did. She claimed to be just as strong and able as men. This indicates that she consider both sexes to be equal.

The Traditional Women Role

The traditional role of a woman was as a wife and mother. Women are to be nurturing, compassionate, caring and supportive to her husband. Today many women still choose to act this role, because is a good fit for them but many other women choose different roles for themselves. This however has been a very difficult tradition because we feel the need to compete with man.

Over the last few years we started hiding for feminine side. We took on a lot of masculine positions and traits, trying to liberate ourselves from the traditional role of a passive housewife.

Why is it so difficult for women to feel feminine without feeling weak?

One of the cores of feeling feminine is to look for a man in your life and allowing him to take care of you. Some women believe that this can be weakness! I myself believe that feeling feminine is an attitude and the confidence you carry yourself with. I pride myself on my work and my ability to provide for my kids and myself. To me being in charge of my life makes me feminine. However to my husband this is intimidating. Today he makes more money then I do. He is a college graduated and fortunately very well established in his work. When I decided to come back to school his reacting was why? “Why? What are you missing?” His first reaction made me feel sad in my head I couldn’t understand that if he loved me why he wouldn’t want me to better myself? We worked this out but however his reaction didn’t have anything to do with love. He was raised in a household where being a MAN means being able to solely financially be the provider, a typical “Machista”. My role in his life was supposed to be the traditional woman role. My husband was intimated by the one of common misrepresentation of feminism, that is about women being better than men, about given us the higher standard society. I don’t believe I want to be better than him or believe that women are the superior sex. What I believe in is Equality!

I am a feminist. All women should and all men should be supporters of the feminist caused. Feminism is defined as the belief that men and women should gave equal rights and opportunities.

