Anbotux is now whenwhyhow.

Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2020

Hello, after a challenging year we have some news to summarize our recent past and outline the future:

  • We have decided to rebrand the company as the name was misleading and some prospects catalogued Anbotux as a chatbot company and this is not the case. Our new name reflects better what our platform does, collecting customer-mindset insights and helping wiht AI/ML to transform them into digital empathy rules for intensive in digital customer services verticals. Accordingly we have a new website,
  • In 2019 we joined to corporate accelerators, Telefonica Open Future & BBVA Fintech.
  • We won a competitive R&D grant from Spanish Ministery of Economy entity CDTI of 228k€ to evolve the product roadmap and commercial activities.
  • Whenwhyhow has been selected to exhibit at 4YFN in Barcelona next February 24–26th in the Spanish Pavilion of this key event for startup international community.
  • We will have interesting news to share in the next future, stay tunned!

You can follow us in linkedin, twitter & instagram




Customer Mindset Insights & Digital Empathy Management System to boost loyalty-LTCV. The new type of CDP (Customer Data Platform) that every company need.