
As part of our relocation from Santa Monica to SF Bay Area, we took the boys on a road trip up the Pacific Coast.

During our stay at Carmel-by-the-Sea, I sent the boys to the Monterey Aquarium and went on an 8-mile walking meditation/exploration along the shoreline…

Even though it’s peak tourist season, I managed to get off the beaten path and found a stretch of desolate beach with no one in sight (but a 4-bar LTE reception!!)

Listening to the wind and the waves, and staring at the endless stretch of the Pacific Ocean proved to be the best way to silence the voices and noises in the monkey mind.

All of a sudden, the to-do’s and metrics and processes and best-practices don’t matter anymore. You know, stuff that us “business coaches” talk about…

In the face of something so vast and timeless, I couldn’t help but question the stuff we have a tendency to “white-knuckle” about day in and day out.

It’s not to say that those things are not important, but it’s a reminder not to put the cart in front of the horse.

It is a reminder to get clear on what is important.

Why the heck did you get into business in the first place? It’s not to build a list; it’s not to launch a podcast; it’s not to get 10 clients in 30 days.

For many of my peeps and for myself, being in business is a means to find our place in the world.

We find an anchor for our identity through our work (that goes much deeper than a “title”) — an anchor that gives us a constant so we feel safe to live a life of untethered FREEDOM.


One of my core value is approaching business as an art form, which I talked about with Miki Strong who interviewed me in the Unemployable Women Podcast.

We jammed about why ditching cookie cutter anything is your ticket to success; what Business Artistry is and why you want it; and how to infuse your personality in everything you do and design your own “Winning Formula” for success in business — your way.

Miki injected a load of her wisdom from being a seasoned entrepreneur — I know you will enjoy the conversation. >> Take a listen here.

About Ling

Ling is an Intuitive Brainiac. Through her unique blend of Business + Marketing coaching with a Mindset + Psychic Twist, Ling Wong helps Maverick Entrepreneurs nail their message, claim their superpowers and muster up the GUTS to monetize their Truth.

Ling helps her clients find their Message, nail the WORDS that sell and design a Plan to work it, through her intuitive yet rigorous iterative process born out of her Harvard Design School training and 10 years of experience in the online marketing industry.

Find Ling and download her free “Monetize Your Truth” Mindset + Marketing training bundle here.

Originally published at on June 30, 2015.



ling wong
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