
Strangely enough, I think my favourite thing about Hamburg was not having as much that I wanted to see or do here. It was low pressure.

That's not to say I didn't do or see anything though. Just that I was able to go out and wander the city and enjoy it, but then also not worry about missing anything if I spent too much time in my hotel room just chilling.

I had read that the tower of St Michael's Church had an incredible 360° view of the city, for the very reasonable price of €5, so after a lazy morning I jumped on the U Bahn and headed that way. I had to walk up 453 damn stairs. And Europeans seem to have a thing for making them as skinny and steep as hell as they possibly can. I really earnt my two cheese pretzels climbing those things.

The view was well worth it, though. Even with the blanket of grey cloud.

It really put in to perspective for me how large Hamburg was. The port is the third busiest in Europe, and it showed. That thing stretched SO FAR.

After I jogged (literally — I cravedreal exercise) my way back down the stairs the plan was to head to the nearby harbour to go on a boat tour. I had every intention of doing this, until I saw the price tag. €18 is way too much for this cheap ass. Besides, they mainly took you around the port, and in the weather the views would hardly be picturesque.

Instead I set off towards the old warehouse district and explored the streets with the old buildings and canals on foot. It is so interesting to me that a train ride of only a couple of hours can take me to so many different places, with different languages and cultures and especially architecture. The buildings in Europe have been my favourite things, and Hamburg continued to impress. So, so many bricks.

Warehouse district

Tomorrow morning I get the train to Copenhagen which I am unexplainably excited about. I could burst.

Hamburg has been a great refresher, and I’m feeling really positive about what is still to come. Catch ya in a few days, Germany!

