Memories and things I learned from Dad (the collection)

Chris Anthony
From Where I Sit
Published in
3 min readDec 5, 2021

A complete listing of all the Memories and things I learned from Dad.

Family photos — Dad, Mark, and I. Gatlinburg, TN.

Dad passed in December 2016, twenty-three months after Mom.

During Dad’s funeral service, I began to process his death. Dad’s long-time pastor officiated and gave the eulogy. He had known Dad for over two decades, and I hung on to every word. The tribute was short and disappointing. As the pastor began to wrap up, I kept thinking there had to be more. Dad did so much more than that. In the six years since he passed, I’ve thought a lot about what Dad meant to me.

Memories are a funny thing. They fall into two categories; explicit memories and implicit memories. Memories of your grandmother baking cookies are explicit, but the warm feelings you experience anytime you smell cookies baking are implicit.

As I get older, the reminders of Dad — both explicit and implicit — occur more often, so I decided to start writing them down. I’m publishing them on The Daily Cuppa, a publication here on Medium.

Along the way, you’ll find my mom and brothers, along with other family and friends sprinkled in. As I publish each story, I will add the link to this post. Check back often.



Chris Anthony
From Where I Sit

Writing about where I stand. Where you stand on an issue is influenced by where you sit and/or where you have sat. I’ve had a lot of seats.