We’re Mad As Hell and We’re Not Going to Tweet It Anymore!

Where There's Smoke
Where There’s Smoke
2 min readJan 23, 2018

In the 1976 movie Network, news anchor Howard Shore infamously encouraged people across the USA to stand up, go to their windows and shout out, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!”

It is now 2018 and people still seem “mad as hell”. In a recent NBC News survey, 68% of people who responded stated that at least once a day they hear or read something in the news that makes them angry. And almost half of those people said it happens a few times a day.

Only now, instead of aiming that anger out windows, we have the internet to amplify our rage.

Recently, there has been a lot of conversations about outrage on the internet, and the impact of the internet on everything from our relationships to our democracy to our psyches. This week on the Where There’s Smoke podcast we join that conversation. We take a step back and explore the impact of the internet and social media on both our society and each of us individually?

We believe this is an important conversation for all of us right now. In the end, Brett and Nick ask themselves what they want to do differently moving forward, and they provide the opportunity for listeners to ask themselves that question as well.

Give it a listen. Consider how you are complicit and what you can do about it.



Where There's Smoke
Where There’s Smoke

A meticulously-crafted & entertaining podcast that explores self-development through the lens of current events, pop culture, and experience