Where There’s Smoke Summer (almost) Spectacular

Where There's Smoke
Where There’s Smoke
2 min readAug 8, 2017

It’s been a spectacular summer so far, and we’ve been working on things behind the scenes to bring back Where There’s Smoke in a whole new way. Version 2.0, if you will.

In this process, we thought it would be smart to do a dry-run before our official season starts in September. With all of the changes going on behind the scenes here, the idea was to create and release an episode to help bring the new team up to speed; practice our new production process; and get the hosts (Nick & Brett) back into production mode. As it turned out, this dry-runsmacked us right in face. And honestly, it ended up being kind of perfect.

As former child actress, speaker and writer, Lisa Jakub, puts it during a moment in the show,

“There will always be typos…and it’s a great. It’s a great practice for me. And it’s painful and awful and I wish I didn’t have to do it. But that idea that I do not have complete control, over everything… I can influence things, I can work hard, but I do not have complete control over everything. And that’s really freeing. I let go of that and think, you know what, I tried my best. There’s still typos, look at that. Ok. Moving on.”

So we took that smack to face like a group of champs and rolled onward! We completed the episode (which you can hear below!), and are better equipped than ever to make this next season the best one yet.

Here is some of what’s new:

  • Our little team of 2 is growing up! We’re now 6.
  • The new season will premiere on Tuesday, September 19.
  • Season 4 will run from September through May.
  • Each podcast episode will be accompanied by a Medium article that will release the same day.
  • New episodes will drop on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. That means you’ll also find new articles to sink your teeth into (at least) twice a month!

This season we really want to focus on building the Where There’s Smoke community. The biggest difference between v 1.0 and v 2.0 is YOU. We’ve shared stories about ourselves, our experiences, our passions — but, if we’re really a community, then we should be hearing from each other. That means YOU.

We’re genuinely looking forward to connecting more this year. See you in September!

LISTEN to The Where There’s Smoke Summer (almost) Spectacular:



Where There's Smoke
Where There’s Smoke

A meticulously-crafted & entertaining podcast that explores self-development through the lens of current events, pop culture, and experience