

D. Abboh
Where Wild Things Grow


Last night,
just when I thought I was done struggling to make sense
of the state of the world and who we are,
pausing to contemplate the improbable — that I might be out of love.
I blew the dirt from my eyes and thought twice.

I called on sisters, queens, goddesses —
east and west; north and south;
with fire in their lungs and reckless urges in their guts.
They breathed life back into me — and bottled lightning was released.
I wasn’t quite out of love after all.
The Universe — was still willing to rise with me.

In a blink,
as if we had suddenly woken from a deep malaise —
and found ourselves back when tigers used to smoke —
we were running with wolves.
We were comrades having the time of our lives.
Some had children on their hips,
babies on their backs and a glow to rival the sun.

Hopes and dreams had broken free
from the shackles of popular opinions
and the subjugation of the twisted patriarchy.
Not defined by any need —
to see your heart bleed…



D. Abboh
Where Wild Things Grow

Hey there - I'm D. Writer/Storyteller | Creative Non-Fiction | Poetry. I know a little Tai Chi - but my Kung Fu is weak. Email: