Isolation Reflections

In nature we trust (with audio)

Wild Flower
Where Wild Things Grow
2 min readMar 30, 2020


WF Image —Beach Walk 2020

Desolate are the places routinely known, comforts once considered life are now temporarily suspended. Although the hands of time present uncertainty in these days, in these hours, now. Let us ponder on the things that remain the same.

The waves will continue to roll into the sand, our footprints will surely be swayed effortlessly away with the flowing tides. The sun will still beam through the clouds and the grass will continue to grow evergreen through summers touch.

The birds will sing upon rising and the crickets chirp can still be heard by evenings entrance. The stars are still bright, a sparkle in the nights sky, still as boundless and thought provoking as the age of any time.

Our gardens will grow, perhaps even bloom in front of our eyes, as our gaze is ushered closer to the things we are naturally attuned to. The trees, as wise as ever, will remain sturdy, perhaps our reminder of strength in trying times.

Desolate are the places routinely known, but in nature we trust to guide us back to the beginning, lessons of what will always remain and what we strive to keep in our view. In these days, in these hours, now.

For the audio version, please see below:

Tagging a few that might interested to get the ball rolling — please feel free to include anyone who might enjoy this.

Tre L. Loadholt Sherry Kappel Kat of Magik Stephen M. Tomic Tien Skye Sylvia Wohlfarth Jonathan Greene D Abboh

I have finally started my own publication. This will begin as my writing home, in time I will aim to (periodically) invite others to write with me. If you’re a fan of my work, please show your support and follow me.

Wild Flower (Jess Banks) is an Australian based writer. Lover of coffee, chocolate, and rum. Excited by nature, adventures, and poetics. Still discovering who she is and openly writing about her faults and triumphs.
© WF, 2020.



Wild Flower
Where Wild Things Grow

Jess is my real name. Writing from sandy shores in-between the chaos of life. Community worker by day and P o e t e s s all other times. Journey with me.