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Wild Sights

a poem

Tina Blondino
Where Wild Things Grow
2 min readJun 13, 2021


A cascade of blackness
rolled off my shoulders
and slid down my breasts.
Tar snakes and soot lilies,
veined in scarlet,
rooted in my back,
between my blades.
My fingertips slashed by
glass-edged shards of trust.
Coppery scent.

Your face after betrayal,
chin high, defiant stare.
In your hair, embers of
burnt commitments linger;
tumble and drift in the icy wind.

My face in confrontation,
eyes steady, face frozen as death.
Voice cushioned in politeness;
numb through the quiet battle.
Within ―
I wander, chilled,
facing spring in this
new barren maze.

About the author
Tina lives in the tree-canopied Pacific Northwest near Seattle, WA. She is an educator, administrator and mentor for personal growth. She writes poetry to make visible that which she half-knows and to celebrate surprised connections.

…And a bit More About Me

Tina grew up along the Atlantic coast in Oyster Bay, NY then, newly married, traded oceans for the Pacific settling in a suburb of Seattle. Starting as a kindergarten teacher, her professional roles have included principal, trainer, mentor, and Assistant Superintendent. She lives near her daughter Jenny, her favorite creative partner. She is active in social and political issues and in her Episcopal church.

Please see another sample of her work below

