I Might Be In Love…

Marissa Ariana Garcia
4 min readOct 21, 2016

With Colorado! Have you ever been?

We awoke in the beautiful Colorado mountains, greeted with fresh air, chirping birds, and most surprisingly, the cutest rats I have ever met (the two rats were named Orbit and General)! For the first time on our road trip, we were able to sleep in as late as our hearts desired! We had plans to explore Boulder in the morning/early afternoon and then make our way over to Denver to stay with one of my friends from San Diego and see a bit of the city. Despite our best intentions to get a somewhat early start on the day, our exhaustion won the battle and we ended up sleeping until 12 and not even leaving the house till 2PM.

We finally packed our bags and headed into town to explore for a few hours. After walking up and down Pearl Street, we headed to Lazy Dog to grab a quick bite to eat before heading to Denver.

After an hourish of driving we finally got to Denver! We dropped off our bags, got a tour of the house (there’s a ghost who is supposedly friendly and named Steven) and then hopped on the RTD with literally no plan other than a few suggestions of which exit to take.

Once getting off the RTD, we found ourselves walking down 16th Street highly entertained by the random trinkets the street had to offer. After a few minutes of walking around we realized that we were in Denver and we should take full advantage of it! A quick Google Maps search told us that we were only about a half a mile away from the nearest despensary and so we began walking! As our lack of luck would have it, we strolled up to the shop at 6:58, just 13 minutes after it closed. Broken and defeated, we made our way back up 16th street and just when we were ready to call it a night, we happened to stumble upon Lannie’s Clock-tower Cabaret which was having a free local comedy show! We settled in at a cozy table for two and proceeded to order a bottle of wine and a slice of cheesecake (yum).

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Our night somehow managed to turn into a romantic best friend date for two! The comedy show had six comedians total and all had us laughing the entire time, except for this one woman. I wish I could have captured her stand up on tape so that I could share with you all, but I will just briefly describe one bit of her act. She told the audience (all of whom hadn’t laughed at her jokes….awkward) that she would be demonstrating the stages of grief for a velociraptor. We proceeded to watch her make weird “velociraptor” noises while holding her hands in a claw like fashion.

Fast forward to the end of the comedy show; Kels and I found ourselves full of cheesecake, highly entertained and excited about our find, and quite possibly a little drunk. We caught the RTD back to Andrew’s stop, exhausted and ready for some chill time. While we were waiting for Andrew and his friend Matt to come pick us up it started to rain, but in true Kels and Marissa fashion, we didn’t let the rain stop us and proceeded to dance in the rain!

Finally back to our home-base for the night, we all hung out while enjoying some quality Netflix entertainment (The Office) and got into a heated debate about 2 — in — 1 shampoo and conditioner vs. good old fashioned shampoo and conditioner. Now I don’t know why men seem to always be in the dark about this, but the 2 — in — 1 shampoo and conditioner ARE NOT THE SAME as having separate shampoo and conditioner! I know it adds an extra step, but PLEASE do us all a favor and invest in the separate bottles of hair care products!

I will add a funny little story…after our heated hair debate ended and everyone was ready/going to bed, Kelsey was convinced that Steven the friendly ghost was present with her. She claims she finished the water in her water bottle and before she could go up to refill it, it somehow had water still in it. Was she just a tad more tipsy than she thought, or did Steven in fact fill it up? We’ll never know…

That pretty much sums up our day and a half in Colorado! I will say, I was completely taken aback by the beauty that Colorado holds and would not be upset about transferring locations from my Pierry office in the Bay Area office to our Boulder one.


