
Marissa Ariana Garcia
2 min readJan 26, 2018

So it’s really starting to set in that I’m actually leaving the country for a year! My initial feeling when putting the deposit down was a massive wave of excitement that was quickly followed by an “oh shit”. I’ve known for a few months now that I’ll be leaving to travel the world with people I’ve never met, but despite knowing it was coming, I somehow still have managed to be wildly unprepared. The list of things to do before leaving was constantly growing, while the number of days until departure has officially dwindled. After eating my last American meal and saying my hardest goodbyes, I’m out of the house and into the airport!


There aren’t enough words to describe how I’m feeling at this point; so utterly excited and so painstakingly nervous. What if I don’t make any friends? What if I hate it? What if working remote turns out to be something I’m not good at? What if I never want to come home? Is this actually a sustainable life? My head was spinning as I was rushing to my gate!

Good news, I didn’t miss my flight! Bad news, this was a concern people genuinely had for me. 🤦🏻‍ Anyways, now that I’m on the flight, I am pleased to announce that there is no one in the middle seat, a small but mighty feat! I’m getting settled in for what will probably be one of the longest flights I ever have the pleasure of taking. I know some people hate airports and by association, airplanes because of the constant waiting and sitting, but I get a high from them. Airports signify the beginning of something new and exciting or the end of a (hopefully) amazing trip. I’ve officially browsed the movie selection and am settling in for a long 20 hours of travel ahead.

Next time you hear from me, I’ll be in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia! 👋🏻

