A Couple & Their Zen Safe Space

Hollie Greene
Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2016

“This is my nest. I always say I come home, and this is my safe place. So, that’s what I want it to be, calm, so I can escape.”

— Chase Hyson

For Chase Hyson and his boyfriend Josiah Moore, living far away from the often times chaotic campus is just what they need to feel right at home. The two spend most of their days tucked away inside their relaxed, Zen apartment enjoying their quiet surroundings and tranquil views of Cheat Lake.

Josiah, 20, is a pre-law and political science double major from Mason County, West Virginia. He hopes to one day become a U.S. Senator. Chase, 27, works in Morgantown as a massage therapist. He’s originally from Romney, West Virginia and attended WVU in 2010.

“I like that it’s quiet and nice. You can pay the same thing downtown for something that’s not half as nice,” Josiah said.

How is this apartment different from some of the other places you’ve lived?
“Well, I lived downtown and paid $600 a month for a hole in the wall. So, when I moved here I was looking for something way different away from student living. I’ve already graduated, so I don’t want to have to do all of that again.”

Josiah: “It’s definitely more homey than any of the other apartments I’ve ever lived in. When I lived in my last apartment, it was always so noisy because of parties and stuff like that. Now, the only noise that bothers me is when our upstairs neighbors vacuum at 10 o’clock at night!”

Your apartment has a really specific look. Did you plan that?
Not at all. When I first moved in here, it was completely unfurnished. Nothing was in here except a massage table and a blow-up mattress. I’ve slowly furnished it.

What do you like or dislike about Morgantown?
“I’m from a very small town where everything is an hour away. I like Morgantown because it’s still very much a town. It’s not a city, but I have city conveniences with a small town atmosphere.”

What’s the best part about living so close to Cheat Lake?
“I like water, and I like to be out in nature. So, I can walk down and put my kayak into the water and go to the various little restaurants around here. I just really like this area.”

Josiah: “I like the area, but I just moved in. So, I’ve not spent too much time down there, but it’s nice to have space for Bo to take walks!”

Rent: $740 in total (utilities included).

— Hollie Greene, junior
West Virginia University
Fall, 2016

Contact: Hollie Greene on Medium or @hdgreene on Twitter.

