One Nurse & A Green Kayak

Natalie Lorenze
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2016

“I love my apartment because it looks like the inside of my brain.”

— Megan Reeves

With map-decorated walls, stacks of nursing school books, and a room filled with adventure gear such as a kayak, crossbow, and snowboard, senior nursing student Megan Reeves, 22, says her apartment is home.

“I’ve lived here for over a year, and I’ve filled it with all of my photographs, travel souvenirs, and memories,” she said. “I love it. I’m really, really going to miss it when I move.”

How did you decide to decorate your living space? Haha… I’ve always had a scatterbrained way of decorating, I guess. There isn’t much of a pattern or method — it’s just madness. I hang things up, put pictures everywhere, and usually, I’m not very organized. Every place I’ve ever lived in has looked like this — even when I was living at home with my parents. I’ve learned to embrace my style (or lack-of) when it comes to decorating. As long as it is homey and comfortable, it’s okay with me.

What are your hobbies? Photography, kayaking, paddle boarding, traveling, playing with Rubie, bike riding, rock climbing, or anything else outside.

What are the benefits of living here? Cheap rent, free parking right outside my door with extra parking, and a five-minute walk to class.

How many people live here? One person and a dog.

What is the rent? $450 plus utilities.

— Samantha Clarkson, senior
West Virginia University
April 2016

