
Nina van Rijn
Published in
1 min readFeb 7, 2018

Hi! I’m Nina. With this short interview with myself, you can get to know me and my stories.

Nice name, whichway. Why did you choose it?
Well, thank you! I made it up myself. So, I finished a university degree in Urban Planning. This means I’m a city-expert. I know my way around in everything related to urban areas — land laws, infrastructure and mobility, gentrification, spatial interventions, sustainable building, you name it.

This, however, does not mean that I know my way around in the actual, physical city. I don’t. I always get lost. whichway? is therefore something you will hear me say more than regularly.

Besides this, my stories also intends to show you anotherway of thinking about the city. An alternative view.

What makes you a city-expert? Don’t tell me that a uni degree in urban planning makes you an expert.
I don’t like this interview anymore.


