While Seated [023]

Michael David Murphy
While Seated
Published in
5 min readDec 16, 2016
20051206_CRW_s50_vietnam-7896.jpg — 11 years ago today, an easy joke on the street in Hanoi.

I “wow”ed aloud while watching “Further Beyond” from Christine Molloy and Joe Lawlor. It’s the kind of film you didn’t know you needed to see (I didn’t know I needed to see).

It’s the kind of film that’s inspiring me to keep pressing ahead with my own work. It’s brilliant and odd and difficult yet accessible and beautiful and quiet and strange.

It’s the kind of artwork where you admire the bolts of how it’s put together, rather than the overall thing itself. The seams and welds and stitching were inventive and extraordinary. Maybe the overall will sink-in, over time, but I’m still in awe of the film’s manufacturing.

Guess I’m partial to essay films about their own making. There are parts of “Further Beyond” that seemed like the cinematic equivalent of Geoff Dyer’s biography of D.H. Lawrence. Dyer’s “sober study” vs. Further Beyond’s “biopic in process”.

Great brain food; a very worthwhile watch.

20161215 — TFW you realize you’ve become a Facebook troll, but didn’t realize Sam Biddle already debunked the thought you had, before you had it.

Because you never heard the story about astronaut Charlie Duke leaving a family photo on the surface of the moon, you never delved into exactly how the cross-hatching on the moon photographs was created, and what purpose the cross-hatching may have served.

Which led you to this “mistake” photo, which clearly shows all the cross-hatching, created by something called a Reseau Plate inside the NASA Hasselblads, which was there to measure accurate distances between objects, depending on which lens was being used. Cool.


20161215 — Hard to believe we live in a world where a guy like Rakeem Jones attends a Trump rally (back in March, at the Crown Coliseum in Fayetteville, NC) and after causing an anti-Trump ruckus, is escorted by police out of the stadium, but he gets (surprise!) sucker-punched by a Trumper as he’s on his way out.

You know this already. You’ve seen it.

Hard to believe that the cops would pounce on Rakeem instead of his assailant, John, and would turn Rakeem into the criminal (earning five of them administrative leave) while John freely walked away, after giving a celebratory interview to local news, natch.

It’s so #oldsouth it’s chilling.

Just look at Rakeem’s face. He’s been punched by a bystander and thrown to the grown by ignorant cops. But you knew all that. You knew it’s factual to say that the cops are ignorant about a situation for which they should have no ignorance. Rakeem’s assailant walked away from the rally and had to be charged the next day.


It’s also hard to believe that Rakeem and his assailant, John, would appear together in court, months later, and that this moment (below) would happen, and be photographed, and that Rakeem would say he was glad to shake John’s hand, and while John didn’t say he was glad to shake Rakeem’s hand, he said, “you and me gotta heal this country” and he was probably glad about receiving probation and that he was only charged and fined for a misdemeanor.

These are hard to believe times.

20161210 — The United States Golf Association will be hosting the 2017 Women’s U.S. Open at Trump National, Bedminster. Will the USGA will let the President of the United States into the player’s locker room?
20161216 — One thing I still don’t understand, is how no one seemed to mind in August when both Roger Stone and Rudy Giuliani went on the record before the Podesta emails were published by Wikileaks to pre-announce their arrival. Giuliani did it on Fox News, Stone did it here, on Twitter. Stone has also said that he was in contact with Assange through “a mutual friend” who had just visited Assange in London. Is that friend Milo Yiannopoulos, and isn’t Stone and Giuliani’s communication with Wikileaks (and fore-knowledge of Podesta email dump) clear evidence that the Trump campaign was illegally collaborating with foreign entities? [Screenshot]
20161129 — [Txt Screenshot]
20161215 — Hey look, it’s an idealogue! Yes, I made this.
20161129–87 Sessions from Jeff? [Screenshot]
20161130 — Anchor Brewing catches-up to 1996 with a brand-new blackberry IPA.
20161203 — Rankine #truthbomb

One of the best reading experiences of this year, this morning; these two self-published books from my friend Jason Francisco. I wish they were in your hands, too.

Two kids, one high-chair. Nov. 2012 & Nov. 2016
20121206_IMG_0979_4s.JPG — Four years ago today, ANON hits the road.
20161203 — Screenshots of a goddamn beautiful commercial from Chase, one you would never have seen on television 3 years ago. Didn’t realize there was a 90-second long version, that it’s been around since April, that 50 people gave it a thumbs-down, or that the YouTube comments are closed.
20161209 — While trying to teach myself how to build tools that reliably work with Twitter’s API, I realized it had been 30 days since the election, so I captured the avatars of 1,003 tweets that night that included the hashtag #lockherup and then re-presented them here: 30 Nights Later, a Thousand and Three Tweets to #lockherup
20161207_IMG_1210.JPG — She’ll tell you the story about how the Secret Service made her throw-out her first flag, which she tried to take to a Bernie Sanders rally, and how it ended-up in a trash-can for all to see, much the same way the DNC trashed the seriousness and popularity of Bernie’s campaign and his supporters, much the same way Trump’s doing now to the actual, literal, non-metaphorical United States of America.
“As the school year winds down, one student finds himself starting an unexpected relationship.”.
20161208_IMG_1244.JPG — When the day’s last light forms an oxbow, right there in front of you.
20161213_IMG_1315.PNG — As the masses start frantically looking for a VPN to securitize themselves in Trumpworld.
20161204 — Hello darkness, my old friend. #neverforget #pencetrumped

