While Seated [017]
20160818 — So many podcasts, so little time. Recent highlights:
- latest episode (all episodes, really) of Revisionist History (ep #10), where Gladwell targets the toothlessness of contemporary American satire, specifically Saturday Night Live, which goes for the goofy ha-ha, rather than the deep, incisive skewering
- this ridiculous passage where comedian Duncan Trussell reads the Bible, but replaces the references to God with “programmer” (and other references to software)
- this section from a (cough) Sam Harris thing where he reads the story of a Finnish woman who converted to Islam and moved her family to the caliphate is beyond words
- Amy Wilentz is withering while examining the emptiness of Ivanka on Start Making Sense.
20160818 — I’ve been playing a game I may have invented that layers currently-playing podcast audio over banal, discontinuous scenes. In real-time. On Snapchat. It works out about 20% of the time.
20160817 — “The Ongoing Afterthought of Instagram’s Web Client”.
If you want to understand how much work America (and the South) has in order to come to terms with its history with race and slavery; knowing this memorial currently does not exist is a good place to start.
I set my tweets to delete after a week. I prefer maintaining my own personal archive of them, which is auto-generated, and spreadsheeted-up, thanks to IFTTT.
Occasionally, a good one gets away, like when I found an old doc about Annie Leibowitz, which contained a segment of her photographing Trump & a pregnant Melania — but the best part was Vicki Goldberg laying waste to celebrity culture, and by extension, Leibowitz’s proficience at photographing profligacy.
A bunch of odd screenshots hanging around from Cleveland end-times:
I listened to Max Linsky’s new podcast effort, with Hillary. If Hillary needs help “humanizing” herself, it’s the beginning of a brilliant effort.