While Seated [017]

Michael David Murphy
While Seated
Published in
4 min readAug 20, 2016
20160819_IMG_8392.jpg— That quiet pause from Werner Herzog’s latest, when Elon Musk is prodded to consider his dreams, and then says something about how dreams aren’t memorable and how he only remembers nightmares. [Screenshot from “Lo and Behold”]
20160818_IMG_8361.jpg —New cement at Ponce City Market.

20160818 — So many podcasts, so little time. Recent highlights:

  • latest episode (all episodes, really) of Revisionist History (ep #10), where Gladwell targets the toothlessness of contemporary American satire, specifically Saturday Night Live, which goes for the goofy ha-ha, rather than the deep, incisive skewering
  • this ridiculous passage where comedian Duncan Trussell reads the Bible, but replaces the references to God with “programmer” (and other references to software)
  • this section from a (cough) Sam Harris thing where he reads the story of a Finnish woman who converted to Islam and moved her family to the caliphate is beyond words
  • Amy Wilentz is withering while examining the emptiness of Ivanka on Start Making Sense.
20160818_IMG_8362jpg — Love the stale signage promoting “U.S. Olympian Hopeful” Jordon Spieth, who declined going to Rio because of Zika-fear and the fact that being very wealthy allows him (and the rest of golf’s nascent royalty) the flexibility to opt-out of silly things like competing for a medal in the Olympics.

20160818 — I’ve been playing a game I may have invented that layers currently-playing podcast audio over banal, discontinuous scenes. In real-time. On Snapchat. It works out about 20% of the time.

20160819_IMG_8393.jpg — Lynsey Addario is waiting.

If you want to understand how much work America (and the South) has in order to come to terms with its history with race and slavery; knowing this memorial currently does not exist is a good place to start.

20160817 — Just came across this World Press Photo award winner today, from Rohan Kelly. I love how on the WPP site, they show the location the photo was made, and what body and lens were used, but don’t mention what kind of post-processing may (or may not!) have occurred in Lightroom.
20160817 — Three years ago, today. #kidfantastic

I set my tweets to delete after a week. I prefer maintaining my own personal archive of them, which is auto-generated, and spreadsheeted-up, thanks to IFTTT.

Occasionally, a good one gets away, like when I found an old doc about Annie Leibowitz, which contained a segment of her photographing Trump & a pregnant Melania — but the best part was Vicki Goldberg laying waste to celebrity culture, and by extension, Leibowitz’s proficience at photographing profligacy.

20160820 — Your first post for crappyreviewsofincrediblebeers.tumblr.com [Screenshot]

A bunch of odd screenshots hanging around from Cleveland end-times:

20160722_IMG_7807.PNG — 9:05am, great way to start the day. Cures what Ailes you.
20160721_IMG_7786.jpg — The Republicans and Reince Priebus are still waiting for that emergency vehicle.
20160721_IMG_7777.jpg 20160721_IMG_7776.jpg — A doubling of split-screen doubling. [Screenshot]
20160720_IMG_7750.jpg — Some day I’m going to do a project of screenshots of halfway points in televised crossfades.

I listened to Max Linsky’s new podcast effort, with Hillary. If Hillary needs help “humanizing” herself, it’s the beginning of a brilliant effort.

20160810_IMG_8208.jpg — One of my favorite page spreads from “Inspired Georgia”; Judy Lampert on the left, Harriet Dye on the right.
20160815_IMG_8329.jpg — Nothing funny about seeing more gun violence in your neighborhood in the news. Another murder, this one in cold blood at 2pm, with many witnesses, and APD has no suspects. #oldsouth
20160815_IMG_8318.JPG — When all you wanted was a QR code on a box so you could follow Amazon on Instagram.
20160816 — This is a fantastic book. Thank you, Virginia Heffernan.
20160816 — If you search for a “hashtag” on Facebook, Facebook writes the actual word “hashtag” in the results url. [Screenshot]
20160816 — FB [Screenshot]
20160815 —Keep it classy, DailyMail. [Screenshot]
20160815 — from “A Honeypot For Assholes”: Inside Twitter’s 10-Year Failure To Stop Harassment” — Buzzfeed. Lots of incredible stuff in the piece, including this, how Senior Mgt at Twitter thought two-factor auth was so complicated, they didn’t want to roll it out to their own workforce, lest they stop tweeting. Wow. [Screenshot]
20160815Jerry Saltz liked it and if you’re a Hamilton fan, you will, too. Possibly. Without question. [Screenshot]

Listicle of 10 Olympic Sports You Didn’t Know Existed So You’ll Click and We Can Charge for the Ads You’ll Ignore Because It Takes Too Long for the Page to Load Because of All The Ads But We Can Still Charge for Them AndThat’sAllThatMatters.com



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