while(self++) { #27 } // Paying People Plenty (of Attention)

Simon Ayzman
Published in
2 min readNov 20, 2016

There are so many things about others that we cannot know. Especially if our relationships with others rarely go beyond small talk. Asking someone the right question can open them right up. You can tell when someone is passionate about something specific. Perhaps it has something to do with eyes popping out of their heads. But it’s hard to know what those discerning questions are. If you want to get to know someone (and they’re open to telling you about themselves), start with general questions. Or just hear them speak. Really listen to what people say. Pick up on specific statements or underlying intonations, like an implied interest in nature preservation or offhand comments about how schools don’t teach effectively. Delving further into these ideas, asking more specific questions, or even posing a simple “Why?” or “How?” can help you learn about the complexity behind your fellow human beings.

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Simon Ayzman

Software Engineer @ Google | Ex-Spotify, Etsy, Bloomberg, & Foursquare | MS in CS & MBA @ UChicago | Valedictorian & Former CS Adjunct Lecturer @ Hunter College