while(self++) { #69 } // Less Sex?

Simon Ayzman
Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2017

Apparently, Millenials are having less sex than Generation X-ers. It’s an interesting trend backed by research and data. Explanations as to why have been tossed around, such as level of busy-ness or living at home. It makes me think about how generational attitudes tend to flow in cycles — one generation is more one way, the next pushes back and is moreso the other way, the next decides to go back, and so on. This doesn’t always happen, but it’s repeatable for some phenomena. So why do you think Millenials might be having less sex?

(Also, if you’re thinking it, for the people who know what “it” is — yes, I did it on purpose. I only realized the potential today, but it was difficult to resist. Happy New Year!)

If you enjoyed reading this post, recommend it! And check out more while(self++) below.



Simon Ayzman

Software Engineer @ Google | Ex-Spotify, Etsy, Bloomberg, & Foursquare | MS in CS & MBA @ UChicago | Valedictorian & Former CS Adjunct Lecturer @ Hunter College