
Attempt to make us think ; And think positive!

Sanmathi Bharamgouda
Whine Not Now!
Published in
3 min readAug 15, 2013


All of us whine. We whine about the caramel content in our coffee, the internet speeds, corruption in bureaucracy, unfair grading system in schools, biased media to flawed medical care system, irresponsible politicians and poor battery lives of our smart phones! We whine and complain about all the violence we see and experience, poverty, illiteracy, homelessness, increasing traffic, national and international issues too and the list just goes on!

And given the phenomenal rise of the social media in the past decade, it is so easy to whine with the world! It is contagious since there are a million ways to make your ‘whine’ go viral. Tweets, blogs, facebook, instagram, reddit and the hashtag trend has made it much easier for us to share our woes. I agree and completely accept all the positive changes social networking has brought to our lives, yet there is significant amount of negativity too (which is fair enough).

So what next?

Enough of whining about whining and lets do something about it!

Why Not do the exact opposite and with the help of that very powerful social media? Why Not share, discuss, post and even collaborate over solutions, the silver linings, the ideas and the thoughts, big ones, small and silly ones, the game changers, geeky ones, rather anything and everything which would make the situation better or maybe move us closer to a solution, if not solve the problem completely!

WhineNotNow! is an attempt to make positive thinking contagious! To promote and discuss possibilities, ideas and suggestions and a placeholder for all the ‘Why Nots’ regarding all our little/silly/everyday whinings to even the more serious and global issues irrespective of its shape, size or form! It is a platform to discuss what works and not what sucks!

It could be a placeholder for all the brilliant “Why Nots” which occurs to us when we are waiting in a queue to pay our bills, while driving, sleeping, studying, travelling, chatting, while we are addressing a problem or even when we are not!

I am sure all of us have such hidden, dormant ideas/opinions/suggestions/hacks,which needs to be tapped, shared or atleast needs a platform to express/deliberate over them. More often than not these thoughts get subdued amidst all the practicality concerns and ever so often pessimistic media, making it almost infeasible to discuss such content.

But irrespective of its potential to be executed further or its credibility, that why not../idea/thought or solution needs to be discussed and shared. Personally for me, it stands for hope, positivity and optimism and a great tool to empower and inspire us to think more about solutions and ideas to make each others life better and simpler instead of continuing to whine and crib and go viral with it!

Those few lines we post could be a potential problem solver or could prove to be a precursor to tackle a sensitive issue or at the least, could make someone smile only because you and I thought about that particular problem, person or that situation!

So let us just not stop at whining about our problems but also start empowering ourselves to solve them by asking our ideas “Why Not Now?”

Follow this space for our ideas and roadmap to move this effort further and together! We will start posting all the ‘Why Nots’ we have been thinking about and pretty soon make arrangements for all of you to post yours!

All suggestions/feedback/critiques are welcome at sanmathigb@gmail.com .

