Get to Know: Zane Benike

Recognizing our Women’s Network leaders during Women’s History Month

Whirlpool EMEA
Whirlpool Corporation
2 min readApr 6, 2018


The 8th of March marks the beginning of Women’s History Month, an annual declared month that highlights the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society.

For this occasion, we interviewed a few of our employees from Whirlpool EMEA Women’s Network to talk about what leadership means to them, who inspires them and what Women’s Network is all about.

Meet Zane Benike, Finance Director UK&Ireland, one of the Women’s Network Leaders.

What is your vision about women in leadership positions?

I strongly believe that women are strong and valuable leaders. In my opinion we should have more women in leading roles.

Can you tell us about one woman who has impacted your life or that inspires you?

I have met several very strong women in my life. Women who have not made compromises in either their career or personal life and have managed to achieve excellence in everything. Women who challenge the stereotype form of society by breaking the unwritten rules of what a women should and should-not do. Women who find unique ways to reach their goals and be successful. These women played different roles in my life. Starting from a few teachers at school who were “best in class” and somehow “did things differently” and were always looked upon with great respect. Followed by my doctor and a dear family friend, who was recognized internationally as the best specialist in her field. Finally my colleagues in Whirlpool who with solid professionalism, excellent knowledge of the business and market needs guide their teams in an extremely efficient way.

Why did you join the Women’s Network? What does it mean to you to be a part of it?

We should encourage more women leadership in the company. We still have not unleashed the whole potential, and by having more women in managerial roles the company can only benefit. For me personally it is important to contribute to the growth of women in the company and it gives me satisfaction when my colleagues are able to enjoy well deserved success in their career.

Why should our employees be part of the Women’s Network?

All employees, both men and women, should decide to subscribe to their local Women’s Network, because it enables us to support each other in the everyday work life, share best practices in daily tasks, learn from one another, find new ways to manage our career and life balance, and be more efficient and, finally, more successful.

