Whirlpool Brand Slogan ‘Every Day, Care’ Takes on New Meaning for Whirlpool Corporation Summer Intern

Whirlpool Corporation
Whirlpool Corporation
4 min readSep 10, 2018


The first wave of summer 2018 WERLD interns during orientation at Whirlpool Corporation

My summer started back in February. Seems crazy, I know, but that is when a conversation at a luncheon convinced me to apply to Whirlpool Corporation, a company that until that point was not even on my radar. That decision was one of the best decisions that I have ever made.

Fast-forward three months, and it was time to move. Moving is a very stressful time for me, because there are so many components. Whirlpool and Lake Michigan College were incredible through the entire accommodation process, and they never made it feel like a burden — it was more like a given. I know that it sounds natural, but as the rest of the disabled population knows, it is pretty rare. That was the first sign to me that Whirlpool was different.

The next sign came just three days later. It was day one, and I pulled into Global Headquarters. Like any normal person, I was completely flustered and nervous. I even attempted to enter a door that was very clearly locked. When I finally found my way inside, I calmed down quickly, because everyone made me feel comfortable. Not more than a week and a half into my internship was the day that I really understood the extent of everyone’s kindness. I had joined the intern softball league, volunteering to be a captain, so I could enjoy the social aspect of the game. Unfortunately, we were a little short for a team, because not all the interns had started yet. I did not want to let my team down, so I went out to play prepared for the protests. The funny thing was, no one protested. In fact, they were encouraging and sportsman-like. Again, I know this sounds normal, but I assure you it is not. There is something special about the people at Whirlpool; they make the whole company seem smaller and more like a community.

A couple weeks later, my team was going on a trip to the ReNEWW House, which is a live-in sustainability lab at Purdue. I started asking about accessibility and where it was, so I could drive my van, and meet them there. They just looked back at me puzzled. They had already requested an accessible bus. I was astonished. They had thought ahead and taken care of it without me asking. It honestly felt like The Twilight Zone. Fast forward a few days, and it was an amazing trip! There is so much cool technology in the house.

Not too long after, it was time for another trip. This time, I was headed to the World of Whirlpool in Chicago! I was extremely excited to see the different products, because my projects were more conceptual, and this was my first introduction to the majority of the brands. Before I arrived, they knew I was coming, and they had a plan to even get me up in the clock tower. It was important to them that I had the full experience, and I am so grateful that they did. It was an unforgettable view!

The last aspect of my summer that I wanted to talk about were the number of opportunities offered to interns that were not work related. We played softball weekly, volunteered around the community, and had other picnic type activities. It helped all of our intern class form a miniature resource network that translated back to work. It was very cool, because it helped us to find answers when we did not even know where to look. We were a team all summer long, and we were determined to help each other through! I have made friends this summer that I hope I will stay connected to moving forward, because we have all helped and encouraged each other to grow into the best versions of ourselves!

It took me the entire summer to realize what exactly made Whirlpool so special, but I think while writing this article, I finally have. Every day, care. It is not just a slogan, rather it is an actual statement about the employees. It is so simple, yet so rare to find people who care about their work, coworkers, and customers, as much as the people at Whirlpool. I am so grateful that I have been able to spend my summer as a WERLD intern at Whirlpool, and witness first-hand the power of caring in the workplace. It has helped me to develop a special sub-set of professionalism that I have yet to see so widely spread across any other company.

Katelin Frayer



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