Whirlpool’s photographic tour #PlacesthatMatter flies to Poland

Whirlpool EMEA
Whirlpool Corporation
3 min readJul 12, 2018

Whirlpool Corporation is a global company that recognizes the differentiating value of having a rich heritage stemming above all from its people and the places where it operates. With this vision in mind, the photo-storytelling project #PlacesthatMatter was conceived with the aim to celebrate the people, plants and communities across Europe, Middle East and South Africa that essentially identify us.

With 14 manufacturing plants in 7 countries, #PlacesthatMatter represents a unique way through which we wanted to tell the single stories of our manufacturing facilities and the evolving communities where we are present through the eyes and experiences of our people.

After its debut in Italy at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia and a presentation during Milan’s prominent events Eurocucina and Milano Photo Week, I am particularly excited that #PlacesthatMatter is now Poland-bound, and will be exhibited in Radomsko, Wroclaw and Łódź. Three cities that have watched Whirlpool be born and thrive over the years.

We are honored to present our photo exhibition #PlacesthatMatter at the Radomsko House of Culture (Miejski Dom Kultury in Radomsku) from July 12 to 29 as part of the 10th Anniversary of the industrial site celebrations. We have been manufacturing dishwashers and washing machines in our Radomsko plant since 2008 and today we produce over 3.7 million products in this site every year. Over 1400 people work here, some of which have been with us since the very beginning and have watched the factory be constructed from the ground up. The #PlacesthatMatter exhibition certainly brings the One Whirlpool vision to the anniversary celebrations with local institutions, employees and their families.

After Radomsko, #PlacesthatMatter will be exhibited at the main hall of Wroclaw Airport, one of the largest airports in Poland, from August 1 to August 15. The industrial site here has over 60 years of tradition, starting from manufacturing gas heaters and railway carriages in 1953. Today the plant is an important manufacturing and technology center, producing over 2.3 million free-standing cooling and built-in ovens every year. With the start of operations of the Global R&D Center for Refrigeration and Dishwashing in 2017, Wroclaw is increasingly playing a pivotal role as an innovation hub that has great influence for the future of the home appliances industry, not just for Europe, but also for the World.

The last venue for our photographic journey in Poland will be exhibited in Łódź from August 16 to 31. With 18 years of manufacturing history, Łódź is our largest plant in Europe producing over 1.1 million cookers, refrigerators and freezers every year. The cooker plant opened in 1999 and just three years later, in 2001, it already achieved a plant production record with 1 million cookers produced.

Come visit our photo exhibition #PlacesthatMatter in Poland and experience this special journey across Italy, Poland, UK, Slovakia, Turkey, South Africa and Russia!

