The Beautiful Proposal Underneath the Boardwalk Lights

February 10th, 2024 will be a day I will never forget.

Whiskey & Strawberries
5 min readFeb 13, 2024


It was a usual date night weekend per usual. We never really plan anything. We are really big on going with the flow and when we do this, everything always happens perfectly.

We always discover new places, find something new to do together on a whim, or just hang out and enjoy each other’s company. I don’t care what we’re doing… as long as I’m with him, nothing else really matters.

So, I got dressed to be a passenger princess for the day and we set off.

We took a ride about an hour across town, checked out some new neighborhoods, listened to music, got some snacks and then picked up some food.

We kind of have one thing we like doing on date nights — grabbing food from one of our favorite places to eat and then we will pull up and park in the strip center across the street from the middle school where we met. The strip center is also very sentimental because on the last day of school during my 6th-grade year, me, him, and a few of our mutual friends sat at the Prince’s Burgers that used to be there for hours just talking, laughing, and hanging out. This was our first time really interacting the entire year (even though he had been my crush since the first day I saw him). So, we like to go sit in that parking lot and eat together sometimes. We don’t even have to say anything… we know what that place means to us both.

Once we finished eating, we went to see the trail that we walked on 4 years ago. I remember we accidentally got lost in that park and I was not wearing the right shoes so my feet were killing me while we walked trying to find the car. He told me to sit on a bench we found and he rubbed my feet while beatboxing to me. I still remember the beat we listened to together on that very bench. *inserts blushing emoji*

Anyway back to the present day. After the trail, we decided to go to Kemah Boardwalk. We hadn’t ridden any rides or anything together yet so we were excited! The first ride we got on was the Ferris Wheel. Let me tell you, anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely hate the Ferris Wheel man, omg. But, I got on with him anyway.

Ya’ll… the look on this man’s face sitting across from me is one I will never forget. There was so much love in his eyes and he couldn’t stop smiling. Looking back now, I realize why that was.

He held my hands… or should I say he let me squeeze his hands uncontrollably while I had my eyes closed half the time. Then he said, “It’s okay baby, just let go, I’m right here I got you.” OMG, I’m melting as I type this. I love this man so much. WHEW.

So we rode all the rides, and the train, and then decided to go for a walk on the boardwalk. It was nice because there weren’t many people and there were pretty lights above us and the water right there near us.

It was so beautiful.

Well, while we were on the boardwalk he stopped to hug me and he held me tight for a long time. He asked me if I would love him forever and I told him yes. Then he said, “Well, that’s good to know…” and I was like, “Whyyyy is that!?” at this point I kind of suspected that something was up.

Right after that, we went over to take pictures in the picture booth and as I was getting out to get the pictures out of the machine, he was behind me.

Him: “Baby?”

Me: “Yes?” *turns around*

Him: “Baby, will you marry me?”

I cried so hard and of course, I told him yes. This was a dream come true for me. I used to write Mrs. *his last name* all over my stuff in middle school. I’d tell to my friends that he’d be my husband one day. My sister was so sick of me talking about him all of the time back in the day LOL.

Yes, we went our separate ways as teenagers and went about life in our adult years. But God knew that this man was meant for me just like I was meant for him. He brought us back together and I’m so thankful that he did.

This man is everything to me and baby, if you’re reading this, I promise to make you the happiest husband in this world from now until God calls us home… and even then, you will forever be the only true love I ever did know.

Fun fact, I still remember the first words he ever spoke to me. On my 12th birthday he told me, “aw, happy birthday, I’d give you a dollar but I don’t have one on me.” Mannnnn, when I tell you that literally made my day. I didn’t give a damn about a dollar. One of the most popular boys in school spoke to lil ole me. I was lit for the whole week, LOL.

Thank you for reading!



Whiskey & Strawberries

28 year old mom & wife. I'm a writer of all things from real life to short story fiction. welcome. <3