Whiski Vaults: From 1494 to Now

Arthur Zubkoff
Whiski Vaults
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2020

“Too much of anything is bad, but too much good whiskey is barely enough.”
― Mark Twain

O Whisky! The drink that makes us risky. The drink that makes us frisky!

We can all agree that whisky makes life more fun. As famous Scottish bard and poet, Robert Burns, once said:

“O Whisky! soul o’ plays and pranks!
Accept a bardie’s gratfu’ thanks!”

Yet, whisky is more than just a drink. It carries years of maturity and experience — legacy, history, heritage, and culture. But let’s go back to its roots.

Brewed Since Babylon

Whisky has been distilled in Scotland for hundreds of years, however, it is not a drink exclusive to Scotland. In fact, it’s believed that whisky’s history – or rather the process of distillation — dates back to 2,000 BC. Babylonians started first, and the Greeks, Arabs, and Romans followed suit.

Credit: University of Aberdeen

“To Friar John Cor, by order of the King, to make aqua vitae, VIII bolls of malt.”
― Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, 1 June 1494

“Aqua vitae” or “water of life” was the first written mention of whisky which appeared in 1494 – in the Exchequer Rolls: the medieval equivalent of tax records. However, the world’s oldest licensed distillery was founded in Ireland and is known to this day as Bushmills Distillery.

International Renown

The production (and consumption) of whisky became so popular that its range and variety expanded to different blends, flavours, and origins.

Yup, whisky from Scotland, Ireland, America, Canada, Japan, and other countries quickly filled the shelves in most liquor stores across the world.

But what we now know as “whisky” is most likely not the same as the liquor consumed back 1494. Recipes have changed throughout the years — traditions kept, but innovations have been embraced too.

It’s this combination of new and old that continues to make the World of Whisky so colourful, diverse, and accessible.

“O thou, my muse! guid auld Scotch drink!”

And that’s a very brief history of whisky. But what’s next?

Well, while we love this ancient drink and enjoy exploring its roots (accompanied by a wee dram!), too often we find ourselves doing it alone… which got us thinking: imagine if we could do so in the digital company of fellow whisky enthusiasts!

At Whiski Vaults we want to do exactly that. But not just celebrate whisky and its history, but also to contribute to its future; explore new brands and distilleries, discover new blends, and discuss the future of whisky.

We’ve been established a little while, but as of today, we’re releasing new updates to our community:

  • Complete look revamp
  • Updated website
  • New community meeting point: Discord

We hope Whiski Vaults can continue to be a community where whisky connoisseurs and cryptocurrency enthusiasts can coexist — somewhere we can all share our passion for our beloved “aqua vitae”.

Somewhere we can all say Slàinte Mhath!

Go to trywhiski.com to learn more about the Whiski Vaults community.



Arthur Zubkoff
Whiski Vaults

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