Whisky & Crypto: Neat, With A Hint Of Edge

Arthur Zubkoff
Whiski Vaults
Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2020


Wild About Whisky? Crypto Connoisseur? You’ve Found Your Tribe.

In the fast-moving blockchain world, pretty much anything goes. And if like us, you’re a discerning fan of the finer things in life, then you’re in luck…

Welcome to Whiski Vaults!

We’re building a token-permissioned member-only community — the only one in the world dedicated to the combined celebration of whisky and crypto.

And yes, we have our own Ethereum-based token — one that you’ll need to have a stash of to sign up — $WHSKI.

OK, I’m Game… Tell Me More!

Basically, we’re running an exclusive closed chat group on Discord and Telegram. To become a member, all you need to do is buy, and keep hold of, a minimum of 500 $WHSKI tokens for Discord or 1,000 $WHSKI tokens for Telegram (click here for more info).

You can buy $WHSKI tokens from Uniswap (here) but you’ll need to store them in an easy-access digital (ok, an ETH Web3-enabled) wallet. The best one we’ve found is MetaMask.

So What’s Next?

Once you have $WHSKI tokens in your wallet, follow this link to connect with a bot (we’re using https://collab.land/) which will verify that you have the right amount of tokens in MetaMask.

Once confirmed, you’ll get a link to join the Whiski Vaults Telegram community. For Discord, it’s similar — just follow the steps provided in the server.

Boom! Then you’re in!

Now you can spend your days among us waxing lyrical about everything from single malt to Satoshi.

And That’s It? Anything Else?

Think of Whiski Vaults right now as a digital fireside where one can enjoy a nice dram of Scotch (or another type of whisky) in the company of their fellow crypto enthusiasts.

However, there is a business model at work here too — one that depends on each and every member working towards the growth of the community.

Remember our $WHSKI tokens? They’re tied to the Ethereum blockchain. They have an actual monetary value — one which can increase (or decrease) over time.

Heard of the bonding curve schedule? That applies here too (like the guys over at Karma did a little while back).

Basically, what dictates the tokens’ value is the number of community members. As the number of members increases, so will the price of the token.

So, essentially, if you join early, help us grow, then your tokens will be worth a lot more. And if you decide to leave, you can just sell your tokens on — to other members or on an exchange.

If a lot of members have signed up between you joining and leaving, then the price will be way more than what you bought it at.

The aim is to incentivise every member to invite more members — so that the price keeps going up and the community flourishes too.

Growing The Community

While Whiski Vaults is at an early stage right now, more features will come as the community grows, so any suggestions or feedback is welcome (and highly appreciated!).

We believe the idea of a community like Whiski Vaults is good news for the greater crypto community. Communities like ours will ultimately lead to more crypto adoption — which is good for everyone.

Where Do I Sign Up?

As you can see, we have some ambitious plans that we can’t achieve without your help. Every single member helps us go a long way.

What are you waiting for?!

Visit https://trywhiski.com to get started.



Arthur Zubkoff
Whiski Vaults

Helping communities grow through Web3 and decentralization ✨ Building together @Globalcoinrsrch 🫡 Ex- @UTRUST