10 reasons to use mobile application Breastfeeding

Whisper Arts
Whisper Arts
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2015
  1. It is very convenient
    We live in the modern world, the mobile phone always at hand, so it is very convenient to keep a diary of feedings anywhere, anytime.
  2. It is very simple
    The developers have made interface of the app simple and intuitive.
  3. All stats are always at hand
    At a reception at the pediatrician you will be in all weapons: pediatricians love to know how often you feed the baby, how long, etc.
  4. Mixed feeding support
    It is suitable for all kinds of moms: those who feed the child by breast milk, and those who feed by artificial mixes, and of course for mixed feeding.
  5. Feeding of several children
    If you are a happy mother of two or more babies you can keep a diary of feedings for each child separately in a single application.
  6. Don’t get confused
    It is important to offer different breasts to baby, to avoid stagnation of milk and the child receives the maximum benefit from breastfeeding.
  7. Everything is under control, even in your absence
    If you like to keep everything under control — nothing is easier. With the app you will be aware of what and how much your baby ate, even if it wasn’t you butdad who fed him, for example, while you were in the Spa :)
  8. Accounting of pumps
    The application allows you to take into account not only breastfeeding, but also pumping
  9. Handy widget
    With the help of widget all necessary information is at your hand.
  10. Available on all devices
    The application is cross-platform and is available in all main applications markets.

iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/app/apple-store/id838762361?pt=63913800&ct=medium10prichin&mt=8

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.whisperarts.kids.breastfeeding&referrer=utm_source%3Dmedium10prichin%26utm_medium%3Dlink

Windows Phone: http://windowsphone.com/s?appid=55591ce2-c7c9-4f68-a65a-b29038385682

