Flutter Interact 2019 — what is new and worth using

Whisper Arts
Whisper Arts
Published in
4 min readDec 19, 2019

On the 11 of December, there was a Flutter Interact Event. We were watching it online and make notes about what things worth to use.

So what’s interesting about it, and what we really enjoyed:

1. Focus on different platforms

Previously, Flutter was available and focused only on mobile devices. Now it is cover different devices: web, desktop, mobile

Official keynote from Flutter event https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukLBCRBlIkk

2. The new version of Flutter

Flutter 1.12 is released and available for download

Official keynote from Flutter event https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukLBCRBlIkk

3. Flutter now supports downloaded customs fonts

You can use now thousands of free fonts from https://fonts.google.com/ and downloaded them into the app during it launched.


4. Graphic tools for a visual adaptive preview for different screen sizes

They introduced a graphical tool that allows you to preview the app on different screen sizes and check how it will behave. So it is easy now to make adaptive layouts and check behavior.

Here in the video from 16:31 is briefly shown how it works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfNdXgJZfFo&t=991

5. Added Add-to-App Support

Another improvement in our mobile support is an update to Add-to-App support. This is the ability to integrate Flutter into an existing Android or iOS app. You can embed some individual screens/modules into your current applications by using Flutter. So step by step you can convert your app to Flutter.

6. Create animations for Flutter

https://rive.app/ is a free animation editor (free of charge provided that all files are public). If you need to hide the files, you already have to pay) Here’s an overview of what this editor did. Looks great https://rive.app/made-with-rive

Here is an example of how to animate and edit a file

7. Dartpad — sandbox in the browser for Dart language

This is a sandbox — online editor where you can learn the possibilities of the Dart language (the main language for Flutter) https://dartpad.dartlang.org/


8. DartDevTools

A set of tools to inspect visual components in layout (like Firebug for web pages) and fix the problems


9. Flutter Octopus

The ability to view changes in the code on several devices at the same time
Here in the video is a demonstration https://youtu.be/ukLBCRBlIkk?t=2232

Flutter Octopus https://youtu.be/ukLBCRBlIkk?t=2232

10. Supernova tool

Supernova is a tool that allows you to make code from graphical layouts, which is immediately inserted into Flutter. So you draw the design in Figma, export it to Supernova, and then set which element it will be and get the ready code for Flutter application. By the way, it is free for exporting code to Flutter https://supernova.io/pricing
See more how it work https://youtu.be/ukLBCRBlIkk?t=2607

Supernova https://youtu.be/ukLBCRBlIkk?t=2607

11. Adobe XD support Flutter integration

Adobe XD is a vector interface editor from Adobe (Sketch competitor). There is a plugin for it, which allows export graphical elements like components and use them in the Flutter app as ready components. By the way, XD is now free.
See more how it works: https://youtu.be/ukLBCRBlIkk?t=3651

Adobe XD with Flutter https://youtu.be/ukLBCRBlIkk?t=3651

That is all. All these new features we plan to use ib our app development. If we missed something — please leave us comments or messages

To see all the lectures from the conference you can visit the official event website.

Or you can read the official report from the Flutter developers on Medium

Whisper Arts — WE CREATE HELPFUL APPS for parents and their kids
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