Building a Personal Data Stack to Alert on Crypto Price Fluctuations — Trying Out Hex and Delta Lake

Paul Singman
Whispering Data
Published in
7 min readMar 21, 2022


Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash

If you’re like me, you bought your first cryptocurrency in the past year or so, right when it stopped going up in price and making random people millionaires.

Now you are stuck owning this “stuff” and are in a constant state of worry you’ll wake up one morning to find out its worth has dropped to zero overnight. The stock market, at least, partially closes at nighttime.

With this in mind, wouldn’t it be nice to get alerts of significant crypto price fluctuations without all the marketing fluff that would come with an exchange’s built-in notifications?

Looks like the only option is to do it ourselves. Let’s get to work.

The Goal

The goal of this project is to send an email notification to our inbox when the price of a few cryptocurrencies gains or loses 5% in a given day.

Perhaps in the future I will enlarge the goal and make it more flexible in the time periods, number of currencies, and percent change threshold for a notification.

For our MVP and educational purposes, however, the simple goal above is a fine place to start.

Re-igniting the Fire That Burned Out



Paul Singman
Whispering Data

Data @ Meta. Whisperer of data and productivity wisdom. Standing on the shoulders of giants.