Success is a journey
Luck has alot to do with it
We all hope for the best in life — sometimes our hopes are based on superstitions and random signals.
In our connectedness, and story telling of how one founder or founding team did things, we are inclined to believe that that is the route to success.
It hardly is that straight forward.
Life and venturing is a nuanced process, based on more external than internal happenings.
Though we are taught the value of internal locus of control — in reality little is ever really in your control. And that is something one needs to get comfortable with.
In many cases, the only real route to success is consistent work in the face of challenges, setbacks and temporary failures.
Experience — which is gained over time, due to the above, allows you to start recognizing certain elements and being more aware of their potential outcomes. Then we call this signaling.
Sometimes these work out as expected, but truth be told, they hardly do. At times better than anticipated and others less. There is no concrete application of the so called signal.
Similar in venturing — you can have all the elements that make for a sustainable business. A good and cohesive team, offering a great solution to a market in demand and willing to purchase. The venture can be well capitalize and operating in favourable legislative environment.
But alas, the timing might be off. A small outbreak may be on the horizon or any other millions of external shocks that have a potential to move your cheese — negatively.
Luck plays such a major role — luck in timing, luck in place of birth and luck in family networks one has access to.
However luck only dances with partners already on the dance floor. So you will have to be inflow to catch the wave of luck.
Emulating other, well marketed entrepreneurs, is great. But your journey will hardly work out the same. What I have come to learn over the years is, admire and learn, but focus on your journey, your growth and development.
The more you try, the more lessons you learn and are able to use the experience to forge forward more efficiently. Or know when to let go in your business and let go of your business.