American Propaganda — Will Our Democracy Survive it?

November will tell

Edward West
Whistle Blower


January 6 demonstrators
Photo by Colin Lloyd on Unsplash

This post concerns an aspect of America’s Division Crisis — the propaganda. It is definitely related to where we are now, as in “the beast is still out there bearing its sharp teeth and threatening American democracy.”

This following article I researched and wrote (most of it) during the first Trump Presidency.

Some time ago I was trying to figure out what’s been fueling the growing division in our country beyond the factual issues themselves. I don’t care what your political persuasion is and I’m not sharing this to have opposing sides use it as an opportunity to “duke it out.”

Some of you can remember back to the 70’s when any American could listen to the evening news with Walter Cronkite, Roger Mudd, or Jim Lehrer and not have to be worried that there was a political agenda behind it.

Not so today!

I was talking to one of my family members (Corona related check-in) a few months ago and one striking thing that we both agreed on was the power of politically persuasive media in our country today. This has made the old methods of delivering propaganda look like “Beginners’ propaganda 101.” The reach and impact of these hosts on the nation’s political landscape is impressive — and destructive.

For example, (based on available information) the top two conservative talk show hosts have a combined weekly listenership of approximately 45 million. I listen to a mix of this kind of media every once in a while, just to see what’s being thrown at the conservative and liberal population. Often, there is a tone to it and it’s a combination of animosity, half-truths, blaming and attacking the other side. This is the typical format that many political talkers use now.

Something else I discovered was how lopsided the ratio of Conservative vs. Liberal talkers is on the radio. It’s closer to being balanced on TV and the internet. I found that the ratio of conservative to liberal talkers on the radio is at least 5 to 1. So at this point I began to ask myself, “Why is it this way?” The answer that came to me (after more thought and research) was simple and clear — this divisive messaging works. The listeners believe it and they want more of it, factual or not!

One article I read said that listeners see these talkers as friends that they feel a connection to and at times can even interact with. All the “talkers” have to do to get their followers riled up is repeat their talking points over and over and play on base instincts such as fear. Probably a third of it is either not balanced information, distorted, or simply not true, but it’s very effective in keeping their listeners hooked and tuned in, and believing most of it, day after day.

This is an important point; it’s what we believe that guides our actions, right? There’s a reason why these kinds of radio talk shows are called, “info-tainment” (as in part information and part entertainment). The blending in of entertainment is code for, “We’re hyping up and manipulating the news to influence you and some of it appears to be barely based on factual information at all.”

One research article I read said that the top ten “talkers” (based on ratings) were mostly conservative talkers. It also said that these talkers typically had three priorities. First, was to put on a good show and get their listeners fired up. Got to keep those ratings up, right? Next, to influence listeners. Their loyalty to the Republican party was in third place. It is not prioritized, clearly.

It also became apparent that there was definitely a psychological approach with the talkers’ messaging format. The “Fear Factor” is apparently a big one and seems to be particularly effective. Of course, the liberals use some of this stuff too, but it’s like the peewee against the mighty giant; remember the ratio I mentioned earlier, and of course, there’s the “BIG MONEY” factor as well. Incidentally, the “mighty giant” doesn’t have to be honest or promote what’s best for the majority of Americans. Remember, this is politically biased “infotainment” and there’s big money driving it.

Speaking of money. Have you ever taken a look to see what kinds of annual salaries some of these talkers are pulling in? It’s mind blowing! For example, I checked three sources and (the late) Rush Limbaugh’s annual salary (mostly with Clear Channel Communications and the EIB network) was over $75,000,000. Sean Hannity’s annual salary with Fox is at least $29,000,000 while Anderson Cooper’s with CNN is less than half that at $12,000,000.

I rarely listen to CNN; it’s a little too far left for me and too much tone and attacking. Joe Scarborough, MSNBC host makes about $8,000,000 annually. Laura Ingram pulls in an annual salary of almost twice that at around $15,000,000, mostly from Fox. You know the old expressions, …”Follow the money and Money buys influence.” I’m primarily a PBS News Hour kind of person, but like I said, I view different sources to try and get a balance.

Here’s one more thing to consider. Some of these talkers think they are “Super Patriots.” However, when part of their “modus operandi” is to get listeners fired up based on half-truths and an aggressive / attacking tone, they aren’t patriots at all. They are dividers of Americans. I guess it’s hard for some of these people to do the right thing (especially now when we really need to pull together) because it might interfere with their monster paychecks. Just a theory anyway.

So here we are today, with the election just three and a half months away. The misinformation machine and dangerous hype is absolutely “alive and well” and motivating those who are not able to see it for what it is. And the threat to our democracy couldn’t be more real. I’ll never forget Trump’s response to losing the election, which fueled the attack on our nation’s capitol.

Those of you who have studied the history of WWII no doubt recall one of Joseph Goebbels most famous quotes, “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”

In conclusion, don’t be afraid to be skeptical, the stakes are too high to not be. America shouldn’t be this divided and wouldn’t be unless there was something else behind it. In truth, the biggest beneficiaries to our current division crisis are our enemies outside of our country and at the rate we are going, we are playing right into their hands.

Shop around, fact check, find a balance and don’t believe everything you hear that’s coming from just one source and one side of the political spectrum.

Sources and notes:

Joseph Goebbels quote —

The psychological reason that so many fall for the “Big Lie” | Salon.com

Conservative talkers salaries –

Rush Limbaugh. Feb. 2020. By 2018, Limbaugh had become the world’s second-highest-paid radio host (after Howard Stern), earning a staggering annual salary of $84.5 million.

What is Rush Limbaugh’s net worth? | Fox Business

Sean Hannity’s annual salary in (June of 2020) was $43,000,000

Sean Hannity (forbes.com)

Celebrity Net Worth reported (in August 2021) that Laura Ingraham earns a salary of $15 million per year at Fox.

How Much is Laura Ingraham Worth? | GOBankingRates

Anderson Cooper (in July of 2021) commands a salary of $12 million a year from CNN, according to multiple reports

How Rich Is Anderson Cooper? His Fortune at Age 54 | GOBankingRates

Joe Scarborough

Scarborough earns a salary of $8 million annually from MSNBC (Oct. 2023)

Who are the highest-paid news anchors? — TheStreet

- For example (based on available information) the top two Conservative talk show hosts have a combined weekly listenership of approximately 45 million.

- I found that the ratio of Conservative to Liberal talkers on the radio is greater than 5 to 1. October of 2021

Why Is Talk Radio So Right-Wing? (And How Can The Left Compete?) (currentaffairs.org)

- One article I read said that listeners see these talkers as friends that they feel a connection to and at times can even interact with.

- One research article I read said that the top ten “talkers” (based on ratings) were mostly Conservative talkers. It also said that these talkers typically had three priorities.

  • Joe Scarborough, MSNBC host makes about $8,000,000 annually. Laura Ingram pulls in an annual salary of almost twice that at around $15,000,000, mostly from Fox.

Thank you for reading my political opinion essay.



Edward West
Whistle Blower

History, politics, independent and self-reliant. Political opinions and published author.