White & Black
White & Black
Published in
5 min readAug 25, 2020


Why Brand Values Matter? Branding for Startups & Small Businesses

Guess the term which CREATIVE team fond of! MARKETING team tired of! And where the ADVERTISING team struck at! Yes, it’s BRAND! Often this term is used by the business people who want to promote their product or service. Let’s get to know the unknown of branding and why it is important in today’s world of marketing.

No wonder Entrepreneurs, Startupreneurs even Wantrepreneurs desire is not to make money or fame rather create “BRAND” for their business. So what exactly the brand is? Your logo? Your slogan? Your business card? Your advertising boards? or Your product packaging? It can be anything that sticks in people’s mind associated with the product, service or organization. It shows the people’s buying behaviour irrespective of the various products they trust yours. Strong brands carry a great deal of value! It promotes loyalty and long-term commitment.

Why Brand Values Matter?

Products are made in the factory, but brands are created in the mind. — Walter Landor

They say brand creates TRUST, brand improves RECOGNITION, brand generates REVENUE and so on. Branding is said easier than done! Only the marketing team & creative team know the pain of taking the product as a brand to reach the customers. But a strong branding strategy can help you stand out! It’s possible for any business size to establish your business as a brand by understanding the market needs and people’s preferences. Don’t just promote your product as “Buy me!” Instead, tell them “What I’m for you to trust!” Create an impact in your customer’s mind as “Why you?” Differentiate your product from similar products on the market.

Branding for Startups & Small Businesses

The importance of brand matters more than ever! People nowadays have a misconception that branding is expensive and only corporates can afford to care about! No matter in which size of business you are in, it is important to establish your business as a brand. Even the best brands in the world with great sales revenue was once a startup or small business. Ensure that your branding efforts like designing of inbound and outdoor print materials, package design and advertisements are in consistent with your brand identity.

A fact to know: During the first year, sales of Coco-Cola averaged 9 drinks a day and now products of Coco-Cola are consumed at the rate of more than 1.9 billion drinks per day.

How White & Black Helps in Branding?

Branding is not an instantly measurable investment like PPC. It requires a strong branding value, in-depth market analysis and customers buying behaviour. For small businesses and startups, building a brand can be challenging and that’s where our creative team excels!


At White & Black, we keep the process simple yet structured! We help brainstorm campaign ideas that match the client’s objectives. We identify the target audience and suggest creative services and outlet channels to effectively engage them. Our thoughtfully crafted approach will make ideas happen!

Logo Design

Logo design is the foundation of any branding activities and we begin our design work with detailed research and analysis. We understand that every brand should have a unified visual identity that’s implemented throughout the entire branding efforts like graphics, printables, inbound and outdoor advertisements, product packaging and many more.

Graphic Design

Graphic design has become a heart of any business type and we create a visual cohesion that applies to every aspect of your brand and influences the audience with sharp colors, graphics and environment.

Creative Campaigns & Strategy

We analyze market trends, evaluate the competitive landscape and immerse ourselves in the client’s brand. Our indeed dedication and result driven approaches towards branding and client’s success made White & Black as the destination for Branding & Advertising needs.

Product Packaging

Packaging is more than just placing your product in a box. These days packaging is designed to take care of the convenience for its use and also to differentiate a brand from the others. It can be a helpful marketing tool through in-store advertising and contributes more for increasing marketability. We specialize in creating customized packaging to elevate your marketing strategies.

Strategic Marketing Management

We’ll continue to provide clients with new solutions that can help them to get their brand into the industry. And at the completion of each campaign, we spend time understanding the results. We look at the metrics, analyse the key insights and implement adjustments to make informed marketing decisions on future brand initiatives. We deliver a comprehensive guide that advises clients on how to roll out the branding across all the owned assets.

We can take it a step further and provide a package of service that includes printing, stationery kits, business cards, letterheads, flyers, presentations, email signatures, traditional & digital marketing.


White & Black turns stories into conversations, impressions into relationships and campaigns into results.

There is a thin line between “doing it” and “doing it right”. Take your first step or revamp your existing brand efforts in the right way! White & Black is a creative hub of ideas, concepts, and solutions, designed to help you communicate your brand’s message in an impactful and poignant manner. At White & Black, we bring your branding values into life!

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White & Black is a Creative Design Agency in Trichy, India provide a wide range of services from Graphic Design, Outdoor Advertising, Packaging Design.