Wedding Help — How To Survive as a Modern Bride

Jade Johnson
White Honey Bride
Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2018

So welcome to the modern day. It seems that for most of us, we not only fight to catch every second, but also wrestle with the challenge of becoming successful without sacrificing our partner’s dreams. Checklist after checklist, email after email. Life is busy and FULL of NOISE.

So you’re now staring at the glowing ring on your finger (or simply the promise of receiving one) at 9pm after finishing work, quickly cramming in a microwave meal and the sudden wave of thoughts start crashing over you;

*When am I going to make time for this?
*How am I going to afford my ‘dream wedding’
*OMG what about the dress?
*What venue should I choose?

This is where I ask all my ladies, where on the checklist is the single question;
How do I want to marry the love of my life? As modern women we are driven to be brave, strong, professional and when it comes to getting married we combine all these elements with our childhood fantasies. Yet, if you were to look at this situation from a distance;

*Did your childhood fantasy include all the amazing pillars of your current relationship?
*Is the love you currently receive subject to your job, your professionalism, your pay check?

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

Chances are you answered ‘no’ and join 99.9% of the population in a relationship. So what’s the point and how does this help? If you now re-ask yourself the question: ‘how do I want to marry the love of my life?’ all of a sudden you are granted the opportunity to be free from convention, expectation and envy. You can walk the path to the aisle with perspective.

The moment we gain and live with true perspective all of a sudden we replace the original thoughts with;

*What would make us happy?
*What day would symbolise our love?
*What is actually important to us creating a memory that makes us smile?

After all this journey is not just about you (sorry to say), it’s about the both of you. And the moment you can gain perspective, you will also generate thoughts shaped by positivity. Granted, for some of us, the simple term ‘getting into a positive frame of mind’ can start out sounding like a fantasy. However, I truly believe if you dedicate yourself and the time to looking at you love with perspective and honesty, you will find the positivity arrives as a result. All you need to do is give yourself the permission to do so.

Photo by Hudson Hintze on Unsplash

If you know a lady in love that you feel may benefit from reading this, please share it and should you decide to commence a wellness journey on the way to the aisle, we’d love to welcome you to our online home at White Honey Bride

Wishing you the most amazing experience as a wonderful bride!



Jade Johnson
White Honey Bride

Founder of White Honey Bride. Passionate about moving the body everyday and trying to live with positivity in all aspects of life.