Ant Financial Open Consortium Chain Online Conference | White Matrix and Ant Blockchain officially signed a contract

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9 min readApr 19, 2020

On April 16, 2020, Ant Blockchain held an online conference of “All People on the Chain and All People Enjoy”, announcing that the open consortium chain was officially launched. Through this conference, Ant Blockchain fully opened the technology and application capabilities of Ant Blockchain for the first time, and officially announced that White Matrix has become one of the first partners of the open consortium chain.

Wu Xiao, CEO and founder of White Matrix, was invited as a special guest, and on behalf of Nanjing Pure White Matrix Technology Co., Ltd. officially signed a contract with the ant blockchain and deposited certificates on the chain. In the future, White Matrix will continue to provide ChainIDE developer ecology and middleware technology modules for the ant blockchain. in this cooperation, White Matrix will work with Ant Blockchain to actively help more small and medium developers to quickly get started with the preparation of blockchain smart contracts, accelerate the implementation of blockchain applications, and jointly open up the market with the open consortium chain and build an ecosystem. It is reported that ChainIDE, a subsidiary of White Matrix, has helped developers in more than 100 countries around the world compile 900,000 smart contracts. ChainIDE is currently one of the world’s largest blockchain developer traffic portals.

The conference was held in the form of an online live broadcast, and the White matrix conducted a “cloud interaction” with Ant Blockchain. At this conference, Wu Xiao shared as a guest speaker with the theme “Trends that Blockchain Developers Need to Know.”

At the site of the Ant Blockchain conference, Jin Ge, product manager of the Ant Blockchain platform, gives an introduction first. The open consortium chain is characterized by “low cost, low threshold, and multi-party shared ecological benefits”. It is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises and global developers, covering more than 30 application scenarios such as financial retail life. It can also open up the Ant Blockchain business network through five capabilities — public licensing mechanisms, co-construction of ecological services, high-performance consensus algorithms, excellent development tools, and strong basic capabilities.

As an excellent case, White Matrix provides the Ant Blockchain with a contract compilation in a lower threshold. At present, White Matrix has helped developers in more than 100 countries compile and deploy smart contracts, which has greatly saved the marginal cost of developers.

Subsequently, Wu Xiao, CEO and founder of White Matrix, gave a live speech at the event with “Trends that Blockchain Developers Need to Know-Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow of Blockchain Development”.

The following is partial content of Wu Xiao, sharing at the conference:

White Matrix has conducted in-depth cooperation with partners in Ant Blockchain since the first day of the internal testing of ChainIDE. Since the open consortium chain’s internal testing, White Matrix has actively helped developers within the ecosystem get started with the ant blockchain faster and with a lower threshold.

ChainIDE is one of the world’s largest blockchain developer traffic portals. We have helped developers in more than 100 countries compile and deploy more than 900,000 smart contracts.

Ant Open Consortium Chain provides very efficient blockchain services, and it is very convenient to develop smart contracts. While the speed is faster, the cost is also very low for the people. The actual test results are 1/10 of Ethereum, but the speed is several times faster than Ethereum, which greatly reduces the threshold for open consortium chain users.

Ant Open Consortium Chain provides a way for SMEs and individual developers to more easily access distributed systems, and everyone is welcome to Ant Open Consortium Chain and ChainIDE to experience the rapid development experience on the blockchain.

Yesterday of Blockchain Development

Since the launch of Cryptokitties, the first blockchain game on Ethereum at the end of 2017, White Matrix has a strong interest in blockchain and smart contracts.

At the time, it was the first time we saw that blockchain could do something else other than distributed bookkeeping, and it was also the first time we saw that a blockchain game could be developed.

Cryptokitties are like the earliest electronic pets, but the difference is that players can breed with each other, and each cat corresponds to an irreplaceable Erc721 structure on the smart contract. Players can freely trade on the blockchain, and some rules of cat breeding are all determined by the rules in the smart contract, without worrying about excessive issuance and other issues.

At that time, this game brought great inspiration to all blockchain practitioners, and it also indirectly triggered a series of changes and innovations. Everyone knows that Cryptokitties blocked the network of Ethereum at that time, and one eth of Ethereum reached 10,000 yuan at that time, which was not reasonable. Even when the cost of gas was high, it only reached 100 yuan once. Most of the subsequent blockchain projects are constantly innovating around the goals of reducing costs and improving efficiency.

The above is what everyone who has participated in knows. In addition to being expensive and slow, the invisible threshold was also very high. If you want to buy and get Eth, you need to download the Ethereum wallet to play the game, and it is actually very difficult to find some programming materials for Ethereum at the time. These thresholds are quite high for the user group, and many people give up at the beginning because they cannot cross this threshold. This is also a vicious circle. The threshold for ordinary users is too high to enter, and then developers can not make enough profits and gradually gave up development, resulting in ecological shrinkage. This is the real situation of the previous blockchain development, and many developers have similar experiences.

Today of Blockchain Development

On October 24, 2019, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee emphasized the importance of blockchain technology, regarded blockchain as an important breakthrough in independent innovation of core technology, agreed to increase investment and promote the development of industrial innovation oh their eighteenth collective study on the current status and trends of blockchain technology.

As time goes by, the emergence of various technologies has also promoted the continuous development of the industry. Wu Xiao believes that both the B-end and the G-end are gradually open to blockchain application scenarios, and the C-end’s knowledge of blockchain Is gradually deepening.

Although many projects have been postponed due to the coronavirus this year, it is very likely that more blockchain technology application scenarios will be born this year. This is very critical for the industry because it not only means that many companies with blockchain technology can obtain profits but also means that there will be a batch of blockchain projects that can land on the industry.

Blockchain development has become more diversified now. Everyone can freely choose their own bottom layer of the blockchain. This year, there are great opportunities for blockchain in data governance, information reversal, and data traceability. We can see that many developers of previous public chain projects are currently trying out some projects on the consortium chain. This requires a change in thinking. For example, when the consortium chain is doing B-end business, we find that many large customers attach great importance to security and compatibility with traditional systems. They need more testing and stability, which are all notable. For scenarios where mature services are open, stability, security, and reliability are critical. At this time, if you choose the bottom layer of the blockchain endorsed by some big brands, such as Ant Blockchain, it will be a very reliable option.

Tomorrow of Blockchain Development

In 2019, the paper of White Matrix on the consensus framework of the role on the blockchain was included by the computer conference IEEE INFOCOM. Wu Xiao believes that the future blockchain world will become a world of “one-chain integration.” The current blockchain is more like a local area network than an Internet; the information and transactions on different chains are different, and the smart contract language is also different.

In the future, there will be a very good means of information synchronization, which allows different chains to communicate and query each other. This will rebuild our current Internet world faster and accelerate the implementation of blockchain applications. If we look further, we will see that blockchain technology will extend to all aspects of our lives.

At present, all attempts of blockchain technology in financial-related industries are only very small and cautious attempts. In the future, in the virtual world, it is possible to avoid the situation where the stocks on the market are cut off.

With the development of technology, we will reach a world of “Code is God”, that is, unlimited possibilities can be created in the virtual world through code.

If one day everyone brings an AR to the 100% simulated virtual world built by code, not only do we have an incremental market, but we also have an infinite incremental market.

For example, consider the experiment of copper sulfate in physics. Each experiment consumes one part of sulfuric acid and one part of copper and produces a redox reaction to produce copper sulfate. However, if we have exquisite AR technology and programming capabilities in the future, we can repeat the same experiment indefinitely without consuming any physical resources! If we go one step further and our brain-computer integration and AR technology are mature, we can eat and drink in the virtual world. In the real world, you may lie in a dormant cabin and enjoy the nutrient solution of the scientific nutritional ratio. You can not only keep fit but also enjoy the thrill of eating food.

In such a world, we will find that the consensus of blockchain technology and the enforcement of smart contracts are likely to become the cornerstone of virtual civilization. Establishing a set of rules which are open, transparent, full of consensus, able to enforce and can be supervised by everyone, have become more important than ever, and this requires constant progress in blockchain technology.

White Matrix and Ant Blockchain release ChainIDE Open Consortium Chain version 1.0

ChainIDE open consortium chain ecology provides a full set of self-developed ecological tools, including IDE, testnet, built-in wallet, browser, tutorials and other systematically one-stop services, comprehensively escorting the design of smart contracts, saving developers marginal costs and accelerating the implementation of blockchain applications. ChainIDE also provides an integrated development platform for the ecological blueprint of the ant blockchain to connect different DAPP systems on the chain. ChainIDE is designed for developers on the ant open consortium chain, hoping to help developers on the chain complete the development, debugging, testing and deployment of high-experience applications without the assistance of any special tools. It can also help developers on the chain to use the embedded cloud packaging function to pop up the CLP debugging window on the mobile terminal anytime, anywhere for the subsequent test application. As of now, the ChainIDE project has developers from more than 100 countries and has completed cloud services for more than 900,000 smart contracts and nearly one million programming language teaching services.

ChainIDE official website:

White Matrix official website:

